Author Topic: How did you get started in Aces High?  (Read 8129 times)

Offline JB73

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« on: August 23, 2004, 04:19:14 PM »
How did you get started in Aces High?

I’ve been thinking about this today, remembering back to my first few days. Maybe it’s from seeing all these new faces around, who knows.

Here’s how it went:

I worked for Xerox, and had a coworker named Steve. We got along great from the start in my rather unusual position of not having a “normal” place to work each day. In my first few months with Xerox, I worked at Steve’s account quite often. He had done the job I was doing in the past, and was a great trainer. In those long boring days of running a high volume printer, we had tons of time to talk. He would try to tell the grand tales of war in the skies in his B17 gunship in this game called Air Warrior.

Steve (JB42) is a nice guy, but sorry bro; he did a poor job really explaining the game to me. I had never played any online games before, and had only recently even gotten a PC of my own. I had all these questions like: you fly after work, it is night; so is it night in the game? How do you “talk” to each other?  What if there isn’t a guy in the other gun on the plane, or he has to go? Does the “war” get lost by the Germans? What happens when the war is over? Total n00b questions.

After a few years of knowing Steve, and golfing with him; I would always “tease” him about being a Nazi (he had explained he flew mostly German planes), and how was his little “flight” career. He’d try and explain how the “war” was going and just keep trying to get me into the game. My biggest reason for not joining was money, since I was still living at home because of an illness. I had huge debt, and no reserves. So I ask Steve one day, how much was it to play online? He said it was a per hour thing, and dodged the subject.

You get billed every month, how; to a credit card? How much were you billed last month?

He told me. $200 or something nuts like that.

I almost fell over laughing, knowing he didn’t have much more money than me. I laughed some more at him, and said someday when I win the lottery I’ll think about it.

Some time went by with us not even bringing it up. Then 9/11 happened. The very weekend after 9/11 I went on a trip to visit some friends in Minnesota. While there, we spent pretty much the whole 3 day weekend talking about what happened, how it happened, and watching the news reports about it. The people I was visiting had some flight simulator (supposedly the best at the time and it was NOT MS).

This part is odd, but given the unusual situation at the time, I don’t think totally psycho. While having some beers in the afternoon we fired up his game, and flew into NYC. The only “flight” game I had ever flown was some microprose game for my apple IIC. I knew if you pull back you go up, and rolling or whatever. Well we had heard the reports about the terrorists learning on flight sims, and wanted to get an idea how hard it possibly could be. On my very first pass I hit the tower dead on with a 727.

I was immediately intrigued with flight simulators, and how hard it was to learn to fly a plane. I went out looking for a flight sim the next few months, but all I found was Microsoft for $30 or more. I knew that I’d need a joystick too, and that would push the whole cost up to over $70, something I did not have.

After Christmas I had some extra money, and asked my work buddy Steve about joysticks. Since I hadn’t talked about flight sims to him in probably a year, he was curious what my interest was. I told him the whole story, and he told me about this new game he was playing that was only $14.95/month; with a real flight model, and combat. I figured what the heck, it’s cheaper than buying a sim, and I’d give it a try. I went over to his house to see the game in action, and learn how to play. He showed me how to set up the stick, what they basic keys were, and how to read the help files.

The next night I kept the PC online downloading the game (dialup @ 34.4k). The next night I set up my new joystick, installed the game, and went offline. I flew for about an hour, then spent the rest of the night reading the help files. This was in February in Wisconsin, so there wasn’t much else to do.

The next night was a Friday and I spent all night practicing doing loops, split-s, immelman’s (the few things Steve described with the “hand puppet” model LOL), and whatever else I could figure out. I must have called him 10 times that weekend asking about what this and what that was. By Tuesday the next week I was totally hooked, and asked Steve to help me set up an account. Online I was frightened into the ground so many times I couldn’t count. I lawn darted while dive bombing a jug or a hog probably 100 times (first few months I could NEVER get those 2 right, always calling them the wrong name LOL).

This all was back before native VOX, and kills were broadcast as they happened. WOW was it dizzying trying to keep up with all that information. I slowly got a handle with what was going on, and got totally wrapped up with the era. One day JB66 told me that before he logged in every night he read the bulletin board to see what new “bugs” or whatever was found. That’s when I started reading this board April 2002. The help forum I read daily, along with the planes and vehicles forum.

Here we are 2 and a half years later, and I still call a hog a jug every now and then LOL. I still love the plane I learned to fly in, the C.205. I still love the game, and still fly hours at a time.  

I guess the reason I’m here is the terrorists, in some round about obscure way. I will say this, if it wasn’t for the dedication of the HTC team, and the incredible product they put out I wouldn’t be here. <<>> and WTG HTC!

On a last note, I think what REALLY drew me into the game were the relationships made, and the camaraderie. If it wasn’t for the online aspect, meeting all these people (many of whom I have spoken to on the phone, and meet in person), I’d be just flying a dull boxed sim or whatever.

With the tension lately in the game and here on the board, I think some people are missing that. We are all here I believe because of the personal relationships, and the fun. If not, why are we playing an online game? Maybe we can all think about why we are here, and what has kept us here so long before we go out and “flame” someone, or something.

So how did you get started in Aces High?

<> and TY for reading.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline thebest1

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2004, 04:27:26 PM »
Wow good story all i have to say for is that Paul brought me in and i had to beg my parents for a joy stick LOL. ACES HIGH 2 RULES lol

Offline Skuzzy

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2004, 04:33:25 PM »
That was a nice read JB73.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese


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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2004, 04:34:10 PM »
Lets see, 2 old EFW-SOG guys by the names of Frstrm (Firestorm) and DKL (Dark Lord) both work for and started blaying Ah1 beta. They got me into this addiction! bastards...   :D

Offline Horn

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2004, 04:41:43 PM »
Got separated in late 1987. Had a desk, a fouton and a brand new evaluation Mac II unit in an otherwise empty apartment.

Was a regular BBS user and someone told me about the "big" sevices (Dephi, Cris, GEnie). Signed up on GEnie and found a game menu. Air Warrior. Had some air time in 172's in RL. Was fascinated, hooked, never looked back. Except my credit cards took a severe beating ($6 bux an hour I think).

Spent thousands on computers, HOTAS and memberships of various sorts over the years. Was independent until hooking up w/ the Damned in '94 or '95. Went from AW to MacAW to AW3 to WB's to AH.

Your story is better tho ;)


Offline Estes

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2004, 04:41:54 PM »
My brother told me about it a couple years ago. I didn't find the board until a year after I started playing.

It's changed alot, some for the better. Some for the worst.

When I first started playing, I was in the training arena all the time. Flew with RTRider and SirB all the time. Back when you could actually kill people in there and Aurleius (sp)  would be in there all the time.

First time I seen NATEDOG in the game was in there. Testing a 109 bug or something. Can't remember. I remember him saying he bought a new truck. :)

Offline Ghosth

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2004, 05:10:04 PM »
I'd started playing A10-cuba over Kali.

Then one of the guys I flew with regularly asked if I had any interest in WWII birds.

I of course said yes, why. Well see there is this online flight sim called warbirds that has free H2H.

Took it hook, line & sinker.

Flew H2H, & free Fighter Ops the first year.
Hung out on Deft's H2H ladder a lot. Flew with some VERY good sticks that flew online & eventually took the plunge.

I had to cap my hours at 50$ a month, but I still got some good flying in.

Then eventually this young pup in our squadron told me about a new game that HT was working on. It had just released a beta. Was working on being a good thing.

So off to HTC I go, & started flying both. (the beta was pretty bare in spots)

Eventually however I got disgusted with WB & came full time over to AH after it went pay for play. Managed to bring half the squad with me.

BTW that young pup ended up turning into a fairly decent young man. Still entirely too cocky, but at least he has the skills to go with em.

Take a bow Wilbuz!  Its all YOUR fault!

Offline RacrX

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2004, 05:32:42 PM »
Ive had in interest in WW2 since I was a young kid. (Im 37) and I was putzing around on AOL one day after joining the internet community and wondering what the hell was so great about it when I saw the Air Warrior listing in the games section. And its been a rollercoaster ever since. Lost a girlfriend over it, lost a lot of work time over it.
I have been with 2 squads only, Motley Aces and my current squad which is on its 4th name change but same hardcore members. Ive met 3 squaddies in person talked to many more offline and developed some real relationships...whoda thunk it?

Offline muerto

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2004, 05:43:58 PM »
I had been interested in flying since I was 9 and flight sims since I saw my first one at age 20 in 1986, but never had one of my own until 1991 when I temporarily moved back home with my parents.  My Dad had a PC, and a friend gave me his copy of both Chuck Yeager's Flight Simulator and F-16 something or other (I was never into jets the way I am with WWII and earlier aircraft.)
Then got a copy of Chuck Yeagers Combat Simulator (for it's day it was really good) and MS Flight Sim 4.0.  All flight sims were fun for a while, but then I'd play them too much and get bored with them.  The AI in various combat sims (CYCS, F-18 Hornet, A-10, Red Baron, a WWI sim for the Mac whose name now escapes me) all were similar in that after you played them for a while the AI would become very predictable; and the only way to make them more challenging was to up the number of simultaneous bogeys.
I had taken a year or so off from any flight sims when I came across an ad in Air & Space Smithsonian for an online WWII combat sim named "Warbirds."
I took all night to download it on my state of the art 28.8K modem (this was 1995.)  I was immediately hooked.  I played for hours at a time.  Sometimes the monthly bills were quite high.  When Dawn of Aces came out I tried that too.  Loved it too.  I was beginning to burn out on WB when I heard about AH.  AH has a huge improvement over WB.
Flight sims have come a long way.
I still get burned out sometimes.  I'm actually just back after a 3 year hiatus.  I'm currently severely addicted again.
That's my AH story.

Offline Adjuster

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2004, 06:08:37 PM »
Just checked my account history and my account started 2nd March 2001.

I live in the UK and had heard nothing of all these online games until Warbirds was included on a demo disk. I loaded it up offline play and couldnt get anything to fly. Yea Im one of those people who only read the manual when something goes wrong. So I gave it a miss. This must have been around 1995 when I got my first PC courtesy of Hurricane Marilyn hitting St Thomas USVI (6 weeks @ $500 a day sure was good money for me ).

Anyway I eventually saw an article on AH in a UK Computer magazine (probably PC Gamer) and decided to give it a go.

Spent the first 10 minutes online giving country info out on Channel 1 until the error of my ways was pointed out to me. And the rest as they say is History. I am still as bad as the day I started but who cares I enjoy it. I fly what I want when I want to and enjoy every minute of it.



HT with the weak dollar an ad campaign in the UK might be useful it only costs £8.50 sterling a month to play AH2 and not many know about this fine game over this side of the pond !

Just a thought


56 Squadron (Firebirds)

Offline killnu

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2004, 06:11:05 PM »
I got to my first submarine in 1999.  my LPO and a guy in my division asked me if i was into gaming.  i told them i liked playstation and such.  they told me "no, we me like onling gaming?".  i had no clue what they were talking about.  so they told me about this game called air warrior.  how they got to fly these planes and shoot other people,not drones, down and talk crap.  well, i got intrigued by these manuvers and planes they were talking about.  after a few months of reluctance i figured id give it a try.  to say the least, i was hooked.  i really stunk at it, but it was fun and drawn back in, just for the chance of blowing something up.  after some time, about a year, i started to get somewhat better.  i stuck with one plane, P38, and started to get better at it.  i was a regular from then on.  AW was a way for me to keep in touch with these guys (they ended up transferring to shore duty or getting out of the navy) so i was very happy with it.  then this big, bad corporation of death bought AW and did away with it, them buttholes.  so, i just followed the "herd" from AW to AH and here i am.  my friends i flew with in AW came to AH, some didnt like it and moved on, others stayed and are still here.  as am I.  well, thats my story.
Karma, it follows you every where you go...

++The Blue Knights++

Offline Heretic

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2004, 06:14:12 PM »
I saw a commercial on Wings (discovery Channel).

Offline Grits

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2004, 06:21:32 PM »
I was wandering around in a software shop in 1993 and stumbled upon a box that said "SVGA Air Warrior". It was on sale, and looked kinda interesting so I bought it. Started flying online in Oct '93 and played until the Warbirds Beta in '95 and quit games alltogether. I dont remember how I found AH or why I even got interested in games again, but when I saw that HT and Pyro were the guys behind it, I knew I need not look further for an online flight sim. I started back flying AH in January.

Offline JB73

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2004, 06:21:50 PM »
Thank you Skuzzy.

LOL alot of really old hands here. i always knew that, but it really makes me feel like a newbie still knowing guys were in this game last century,
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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How did you get started in Aces High?
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2004, 06:40:58 PM »
Found Air Warrior in a store sometime around 97-98 I think. Found it online soon after. Moved here when AW was murdered by the evil Electronic Arts slime. Could barely play for a while and was bucks down, so I had to quit, the computer just wouldn't take it, the crashes would literally trash all my data. I hung around and tried several times to make it stay working, to no avail. Finally my RL situation improved, and I built a decent rig.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."
