I've dabbled with many WWII sims and games, and I am fully convinced that the flight modeling in Aces High is the closest to reality of any of the others.
Nonetheless, there are some issues that may deserve review as time and priorities permit.
1. Our current F6F-5 is too slow (at least 20 mph) above 18,000 feet when compared to flight test data of the era. It also has flaps with multiple position settings. In reality, the F6Fs had no intermediate flaps positions. They were either up or full down. In addition, the F6F-5 suffers from an odd dynamic instability in its roll axis when slow with flaps deployed. This is exactly opposite of the F6F's excellent roll stability when near stall and dirtied up for landing.
2. The AH2 P-40E is equipped with WEP. Real P-40Es were not so equipped. Our P-40E is far more like the later P-40K, fitted with the V-1710-73/FR4 engine.
3. In-game testing of the AH2 P-40B reveals that it performs like the much heavier P-40C. The C model was fitted with shackles and plumbing for and external drop tank. In addition, the C model carried more armor. A real P-40B was just as fast as the P-40E, but was lighter and more agile. Due to having internally sealed fuel tanks, the P-40C had less internal fuel capacity than the P-40B.
4. When the last change was made to the drag model, some aircraft suffered a loss of handling and maneuvering performance. Chief among that group was the P-51s. For example, at 25% fuel, without flaps, a P-51B has a lower wing loading than the P-47D-11. It also has a very similar coefficient of lift. It should out-turn the Jug. Yet, it does not. Once flaps are deployed it gets worse for the Mustang. I have detailed the issue in
this thread. 5. Flap effect on turn performance and drag is somewhat odd and inconsistant throughout the plane set. I will be testing this thoroughly in the near future, comparing results from older versions of the software to the current version.
6. Some aircraft demonstrate unusual stall behavior when flown into a power-off nose-high stall.
7. While Aces High limits WEP to five or ten minutes depending upon type. there is no accounting for comsuming the various types of water/ADI. WEP use is based upon engine temperature, which allows for recovery of full WEP duration. There is no option to exceed recommended WEP duration, even though there is plenty of test data where WEP was used for as much as 15 minutes during max power climb testing. Perhaps a variable could be introduced that would induce an engine failure randomly if WEP were used beyond the recommended maximum.
8. P-factor does not appear to be modeled.
9. Of all American Naval aircraft, only the F4Us should have tail hook use tied to landing gear position. Grumman aircraft and the SBD should be able to lower their tail hooks independently of landing gear position.
10. Machine gun ammunition load-outs could be varied in the F6F and F4U.
11. The A6M2 dives far too fast, greatly exceeding the speed at which it should suffer damage. Its dive behavior is vastly different (read that as superior) than that of the strengthened A6M5.
12. Both Yaks can dive at extremely high speeds, but can do so with very good control and with virtually no compressibility effects.
Please feel free to add to this list, but please make sure you can back up your points with primary source data or other credible sources (for example, the History Channel isn't a good source).
My regards,