Now that the importance of armoured-assaults have reached new heights in AH2, the addition of the dual-purpose 88mm Flak will bring about a very interesting variable to the ground war. The German 88mm FlaK was one of the most successful pieces of equipment devised by either sides of the war, and every where Germans went you would definately find 88mm batteries with them.
The 88mm, towed by lightly armoured vehicles, will become one of the most potent and devastating lines of defense against hostile aircrafts, especially low-flying bombers and attackers, near the town and airfield.
The 88mm flak, is deadly and accurate enough to become the bane of jabo aircraft when used in large numbers, with a firing rate of 15~20 rounds per minute. Not only that, but the dual-purpose 88mm can also be used as terrifying anti-tank weapon, delivering a 9kg armour-piercing shell at 800m/s and achieving more than 100mm penetration at 2000yards (Flak37). A third purpose can be found in the MA, as conventional artillery equipment, able to hit enemy fields and towns from long ranges.
This would become an interesting, and much needed addition to AH because;
1. It will provide a very powerful line of aerial defense
While the intensity of ack fire has been increased considerably, the ack reaches only as far as 10k feet altitude. It is also relatively weak and effectless to stop planes on their pass, and this has often led to near-suicidal low-level jabos and attacks on airfields ranging from individual fighter planes to heavy bombers. Also, the AI flak is almost useless in defensive purposes, when it comes to the probability of actually preventing high-flying enemy aircraft from approaching an important target.
The existence of the 88mm as an AA weapon changes that. While it may not be effective as only a single unit, if enough people can set up 88mm defenses at an important field/base they must hold, then the airspace will be massively fortified with FlaK barrages. Just pushing in more people in an unthoughtful raw display of suicidal jabo, will be met heavy casualties and fast rates of aircraft losses - which will dramatically reduce the effectiveness of brute power in terms of numbers. It will also help educate the mentally-challenged buff pilots who think using their buffs as bloated jabos is a good idea.
2. It will provide a very powerful line of ground defense
The 88mm is also used as a powerful anti-tank weapon. Using the tow trucks to achieve mobility, people can tow their 88mm FlaK to key locations such as the approach path to town, and perhaps even cleverly place them at hedge openings or hull-down locations to form a formiddable line of anti-tank defense.
As a result, brute strength of vehicle numbers will not be able to penetrate a position guarded by 88mms. Since the Flak itself, and the towing vehicle is vulnerable to attack, penetration of the anti-tank defense line will require dedicated air strikes which can quickly respond to requests from GV drivers to knock out 88mm batteries.
3. It will be the show-stopper for any possible 'too uber' tank debates
The introduction of the M4 Firefly has seen a huge ruckus, as some people are very pleased with it, while others are severely frustrated at how the all-round capable M4 and its most powerful main gun has effectively ruined the show for people who like other tanks.
Instead of perking something, or taking the time and effort to change something, or introducing a new tank to counter the effects of any alleged 'uber' tank that might show up in the future - just give the people the 88mm.
No tank beats the 88. If some new tank might be considered too powerful - that's fine. Someone can always think of a combined assault featuring the 88mm as a tank detroyer.
The 88mm will become the ultimate equalizer.
4. The existence and use of 88mms, may bring out a whole new groundwar
The existence of 88mms, have some interesting implications.
the players, with the help of the 88mms, may now be able to actually set up a real 'front' on ground level. Imagine a GV spawn point which does not directly end up near an airfield or town, but rather, somewhere in between two airfields (something that may be simular to the 'tanktown' concept). Perhaps there could be VHs placed there.
To discourage enemy armor advancement, some people will bring in 88mms and set them up in a location where they can clearly see enemy tanks approaching. If one person sets an 88mm up, knowing that concentration of 88mms are more effective, it is likely someone else will also bring a 88mm and set it up near him.
In this manner, a quickly concentration of 88mm batteries are formed. Since these 88mms are able to knock out tanks from very long distances, with their penetrating power and fast fire rates, other supporting vehicles such as M3s or M8s will naturally gather around the 88mms. AA vehicles like M16s and Osties will also choose to gather around the gaggle of 88mms.. and voila...!
A real, live, AH "front" is formed... our "frontline", protected by our 88mms and AA vehicles, and the enemy front, protected by their 88mms and AA vehicles.
The 88mms will provide anti-tank fire and AA fire, while the Osties and M16s provide small-arms protective fire. The 88mm will also act as conventional artillery - and this means the 88mms on both sides will be placed at a distance apart from each other where it won't be hit by conventionaly artillery fire. Therefore, a 'defensive line' for both parties now form.
With the 88mm bateries behind them friendly tanks will advance and try to break through enemy lines, while the enemy tanks will also try the same. A massive ground-war will ensue, which if the two forces are in a deadlock, will necessiate the use of variety of attack aircraft to disable enemy batteries and fronts. The possibilities are limitless with 88mms in action.
Ofcourse, there would be a need to suppress the 'uberness' of these multi-purpose weapons. For instance, loading/setting down the 88mm from the towing vehicle would need obviously need a certain amount of time to accomplish.. maybe two minutes or so?
Also, there would be a need to put in some time delay between exchanging shells/modes - ie) an anti-tank 88mm can't just instantly begin shooting at a flying target nearby... maybe 1 minute time required between changing from anti-tank/anti-aircraft/conventional artillery modes...
All in all,
I seriously think that if AH sees the use of mobile 88mm FlaK, it's going to greatly enhance the game experience. With the introduction of the new terrains and Shermans, I think this is a great opportunity for HTC to sneak in this historically important piece of equipment in the game.
Give us the B-25, as elected, but give us also the 88mm FlaK, with it!!