Doesn't really matter which plane you use for dive bombing the principle is much the same. You need speed. A path of least resistance. A decent dive angle and a clear exit.
Speed is required so's the bombs go where you want them. Anything slower than 300MPH is risking accuracy in my experience. A clear path to and from target. No point going over 15 flak panzers to a vh when you only need pass one or two. No need to dive in on a field to exit full length of all the acks. Cut the corners, watch the cons, pick the spot and keep your speed up exiting flak or ack range before ascent. You invite serious damage or the dreaded pilot wound climbing to soon.
I favour the one pass method which is rockets first then bombs when going for VH's or hangers. My reason being is two fold. 1) You have to pull up anyways, which is ideal for the bomb release after rockets are fired. 2) You want to get into the cons with as much "E" in your favour after going so low. No reason in my mind other than screwing up for looping around for another pass and blowing "E".
Set dot command .salvo 5 and .delay 0.05 (default delay). VH's / Hangers go down with 2,500Lbs of ords. This will leave you with a rocket to clear an ack or a
Rocket Vulch in the case of the F6f. More on other American planes. Hello P47's
Now lets look at some screen shots
In this shot we see the gun site centre pipper on the VH. American rockets in AH are very accurate and will hit the mark. A handy tip is to use default zoom. "Z" is zoom but if you have ever changed it default is shift Z.
IGNORING the pretty rocket explosion this screen shot depicts the
moment of bomb release. What I hope to convey in this shot is the aiming technique. Notice the bottom of the gun site ring is on the vh. That's what you aim with.
The bottom of the ring [/IMG]
Here we see the entrance and exit path. Notice the exit is fairly flat to extend beyond the cons or flak panzers. The gap in the trail is where rockets are fired first then quickly cycled to bombs and then released. An angle of 45 degree is ideal but 35 to 50 will do. You may want to look at the speedo in the other shots.