I've had a few requests for F6F skins which wouldn't work on the old shape, but I promised I'd do them when the new version came out. I'll wait until the skin is available to everyone before starting any more though.
First one is for Rattfink. It is Alexander Vraciu's F6F-3 based on the USS Intrepid in 1944. As far as I know there isn't an F6F-3 in the works so hopefully they will still allow them on the F6F-5 shape. I've altered the panel lines to match an F6F-3.
This is also for Rattfink. It is the VF-31 Hellcat of Lt (jg) Ray Hawkins. Note this was an early F6F-5 which retained the rear windows of the F6F-3. I'm not sure about this scheme, I suspect it may have been a propaganda special and not flown in combat. Anyone have any further info on it?
Hand asked me for a USMC Hellcat so I've skinned this aircraft from VMF(N)-541. Now this was an F6F-5N nightfighter which had a radome under the wing, so maybe it will get rejected on that score. At least everyone will know what's acceptable as a skin if it is refused. Note this particular aircraft did not have the 20mm cannons that later 5Ns had.
Rolex's uncle Commander S. Mandarich was CAG-94 aboard the USS Lexington in late 1944. Rolex tells me the aircraft number was "00". As I've no actual photo of his plane I have based the rest of the markings on photos and profiles of other VF-94 Hellcats. Ironically this is one of the few Hellcat skins which would have worked on the old shape.
This is a Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Hellcat Mk I flown by Lt Commander Stanley Orr, CO of 804 NAS. The scheme is as it would have looked during the Norwegian Tirpitz raids in May 1944 and is the skin I intend to use in the MA.