Author Topic: I think I'm about done  (Read 1587 times)

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2008, 09:40:04 AM »
I feel the same way sometimes.  I look at the map and think what's the point.  But then I up a plane and end up playing for a couple of hours.

Last camp I started really well.  I had some good luck and was running my all time best fighter stats.  Then everything fell apart.  I went for 2-3 weeks without landing a multiple kill sortie.  I was disgusted.

Every camp I put together a list of those planes that I'm behind the arena averages in K/D and another list of those I need to fly to keep them in my recently flown list or to get them to a minimum kills + deaths number that I set for those I've done well in.  All of this based on 6 months data.  Yes, I keep a speadsheet.  I'm a nerd.

So anyway, back to last camp.  Disgusted with my performance and hardly wanting to log on, the holiday weekend came.  What was I going to do with all this time if not play?  I grabbed my list(s) which I hadn't really touched all camp and which contained ~40-50 planes and started going through the list.  I went from top to bottom.  Regardless of the circumstances on the map I just took up the next plane on the list and flew it.  One sortie per plane.  In two days I had gone through the entire list, had a blast doing it and turned around my misfortunes of the prior weeks.  It was the most fun I had all camp.  In fact, between the first and second day I couldn't wait to get back on and get to the next plane on the list.

I ended up in situations with numbers, outnumbered, buff hunting in planes I wouldn't normally buff hunt in, attacking in planes I've barely ever flown, etc., etc.  I threw score and stats out the window and just charged ahead.  I suddenly remembered why I used to like some of those planes so much.

Find a way to mix it up.  Challenge yourself.  Forget scores and stats.  That's my take on it anyway.
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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2008, 09:42:29 AM »
Any perception that the game or player behavior has changed in a year and a half is false.  Players in competitive online flight sims have exhibited the same dweeby behavior for decades.  Why do you think they wrote the "Book of Dweeb" in the Warbirds community 10+ years ago?  The only thing that's changed is you.

Steve wrote:And the mystical 1vs1 duel that you're failing to find is largely caused by impatience and a desire not to see the main arena as the big complicated symphony that it is.

no, he's has changed. i've been flying here for about 2 years or so.
 i used to be able to find fun furballs, or 1-1's or 2-2's or 2-1's etc., all the time. now, i might get into a fun 1-1, and we're dancingf round trying to get the advantage on each other, and almost without fail, SOMEONE takes it upon themselves to save my assss.....or his.........

furballs, we can still get started. usually when there's a cv nearby. but then some dork comes in and sinks the carrier. furball over.
 the land battles used to be fun(although i super suck at them). now, though 9 out of 10 times, if you show any resistance, the attackers give up, and go to another base with no resistance.

 i've seen nights where the bish horde, and the knight horde are having real slugfest. then the bish give up, and go fight the rooks. why? because although bish and knights have even numbers, there's onl 3 rooks on.

 it has changed. it's not HT's fault, and i think there's nothing they can do about it. i don't know the solution either, so i just keep moving round, and sometimes changing sides to find some fights.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline Max

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2008, 09:51:04 AM »

Gavagai, I hate to say it but you are dead wrong.

What the heck is a gavagai?  :eek:

Offline Wyld45

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2008, 10:00:55 AM »

                     I recommend as the above did Toonces. Been there on the aggro feelings
                and with a game you like and play frequently. Take a break from it,(and take
                a break from "online"). I recommend getting into a solo game thats similar,or
               one that you havent played in a while that was a favorite. I have had to
               "get-away" on occasion when nothing seemed to go right and everything
                would make me cuss up a storm. I have several WW2 games I go off on
                a solo vacation with, and after a short break I always come back for more.  :aok
RRWyld45  1138th "Rough Riders" Bomber Wing

Offline NHawk

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2008, 10:17:21 AM »

I agree with Toonces, 100%.

Now, we have hordes leveling/caping/vulching bases while a sector away the other side does the same thing to another undefended base.

Gavagai, I hate to say it but you are dead wrong.
This has happened since AW. AH is no different. It just depends on when you notice it.

People really need to read the "Book of Dweeb". :)

From the "Book of Dweeb"...

The Book of Jedisis - Verse One
In the beginning, there was Air Warrior, and it was good, And many partook thereof, and became Dweebs, and were smiteth repeatedly from on high by the Gods, and were vulcheth by other Dweebs, and were feared by the C-lander Runstangs. But after a time, the Dweebs learned to take flight from the uncapped field, and to ignoreth the false books of wisdom which sayeth "Thou shouldst fly the P-38, thou newbies," for all who have tried knoweth that the Air Warrior Godsteed named Lighting is not the province of the mere Dweeb. So the Dweebs learned the mythic Spitfire, and went round and round, and thus was born Loop Warrior, and there was much killing and rejoicing, for the Dweebs believed that now they were not Dweebish any longer, but were now Vets. But yet the voice of DoK was heard from on high...and it sayeth, "Nay, Dweebs art thou still." And thus was the Dweebfire born.


The Book of Jedisis - Verse Two
So the Dweebs toiled on, and many learneth the mysteries of the treacherous Hog, and the dreaded Wurger, and verrily did they Boometh and Zoometh, and vulcheth many Dweebs from lo their very takeoff fields, and driveth they their vaunted K/D into the heavenly realms above 1.0. "And now," they said. "Now art we not vets? Art we Dweebs no longer?" But yet the voice of the most wretched vulched newby Dweebs rang forth from the ashes of their burning Zekes below. "Nay!" they cried. "Thou art but Dweebs with cannon!" And thus was born the Vulch Dweeb.


The Book of Jedisis - Verse Six
"And NOW!" they shrieked. "FINALLY art we Vets! Scourges of the Sky are WE!" Yet again, from the smoldering blue wreckage came the icy cry, "Nay, foul ack-runner. Thou art but headon Dweebs." And thus was born the Headon Dweeb, the Dora Dweeb, and the Ack-running Dweebs. And as the pitiful Dweebs began their long quest through the Promised Land of Rolling Terrain (tm), and were blinded by the Sun Glare (tm) in search of their Holy Hurricane and the Zerstorer, did the voice of Doc rain down from on high and sweepeth them in a sandstorm of despair: "For all who play at Warbirds shalt always be Dweebish. Dweebs wert thou born. Dweebs thou art. Dweebs shalt thou be." And it was good


The Epistle of Tos--x | Verse 2: The Spike of Otto
And another cry rang forth from the Furball Dweebs and the Buffhunt Dweebs. And they cryeth "O Gods, ye must also maketh the fields more difficult to destroyeth, for yon Buff Dweebs wilt surely launch their foul missiles upon us with thine Godlike Eye of Norden, and sweep us verrily from lo our very main fields, and drive us into the shame of a country defeat, and then gloateth on Channel 100."

What happens in AH is nothing new. Don't kid yourself.

The Book of Dweeb written pre-1999 is an historical document. It is part of the history of online simulators. And it shows how little has changed over the years. Be it a Dweeb, Dweebfire, Altmonkey, whatever - they all remain still. This is not just about WarBirds history, but it related fully to all the online pilots out there - IL-2, Forgotten Battles, Aces High, World War II Online, Fighter Ace, European Air War - it has something for everyone. And is fun reading. Enjoy it all - this is a piece of the history of our hobby.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 11:26:27 AM by NHawk »
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Offline BiPoLaR

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2008, 10:26:14 AM »
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee  :aok
R.I.P. T.E.Moore (Dad) 9-9-45 - 7-16-10.
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Offline Yenny

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2008, 10:33:51 AM »
Do what I do ! install others online games and break up your play time=) If you keep getting vulch in AH2, well log into like CoD4 and camp someone or something!
E .· ` ' / ·. F
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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2008, 11:38:52 AM »
Any perception that the game or player behavior has changed in a year and a half is false.  Players in competitive online flight sims have exhibited the same dweeby behavior for decades.  Why do you think they wrote the "Book of Dweeb" in the Warbirds community 10+ years ago?  The only thing that's changed is you.

Steve wrote:And the mystical 1vs1 duel that you're failing to find is largely caused by impatience and a desire not to see the main arena as the big complicated symphony that it is.
I don't think anyone could possibly be more incorrect.  there are at this very moment good fights occurring between like minded players but if you never place yourself in a situation to find one then remain without squeaking for help you come away with opinions like yours, and steve's.

Offline Easyscor

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2008, 11:57:36 AM »
toonces, your game-play experience changes as your skill and knowledge evolve. When a player reaches a comfortable point of ACM mastery, the Fight, like the Kill before it, becomes less satisfying, and those small terrains with dense base populations will burn you out quicker then anything else. It sounds like you overdosed in there. ;)

You're actually at a point where the game has much more to offer beyond the single seat fighter role. Most long term players will use the MAs for practice for the intense special events. You've flown in events, if you flew enough of them, you've undoubtedly thought you could provide better leadership then you experienced, so if you haven't already, try a leadership roll starting as a GL. BoB is coming up, there's good opportunity there, and the AvA has possibilities too. Maybe you're not drawn to a leadership roll, or the more geeky chores of building terrains, skins, sound paks, etc., anything that keeps you out of the pilots seat enough to become a little rusty will keep the fights a challenge, and the game interesting.

If you think you still only want the fight, go into the AvA and arrange one on cross-country channel, folks there will let you duel, and you're assured of an even match-up ahead of time. I don't think it will help though, as the Fight for the Fight's sake becomes boring after awhile. That's why we have so many games collecting dust on our shelves, unlike Aces High, most don't support related interests beyond the basic engage and beat the game game-play.
Easy in-game again.
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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2008, 12:52:01 PM »
<<S>> toonces

sometimes its just good to walk away from the game from a few and then come back, when the game isnt fun for u anymore its time to just step back and take a break. believe me i have done it on several times. take a couple months away, then come back. if you feel the same way u do now in like 3 months of bein away. then do what u need to do. take care on ur ventures <<S>>
~~~The Killuminati~~~                                                     


Offline 1pLUs44

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2008, 01:11:28 PM »
Dont wanna be mean, but dont expect to just find a good fight... Make one. The MA (IMO) has only changed very little, when I first joined Bish-land, there were frequent NOE's (1 or 2 a day) and after 4 months, there were 3 or 4 a day. It's still like that, nothing has changed.

~1pLUs44 40th FS
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2008, 01:13:41 PM »
Its in your dna now. The epiphany will come along when you least expect it. A lot of people think that 'concepts' of ACM are learned in the practice of the sport. I believe it is often realized when flipping that steak over hot coals or while performing some mundane task like long-distance driving or listening to your boss drone on-and-on about procedures. Somewhere down the road you will have forgotten all about the arena and then the comms will come through weak at first and then slowly building in intensity until you cannot ignore them and then they will become actual 'visions.' Then you will hear the voice of Betty singing 'Rubber Ducky' and you will burst out in laughter. Everyone will be staring at you and then you will realize the epiphany has struck and you have evolved to the next level of understanding in acm. You will log in that very day.

No one ever leaves the 'order' except feet first.  :D
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Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2008, 01:50:54 PM »
What the heck is a gavagai?  :eek:

Google it. :aok
« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 01:54:40 PM by Anaxogoras »
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Offline dtango

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2008, 02:10:20 PM »

Sad to see you go.  Here are two quotes from Hitech that I hope you find enlightening:

It is really just a simple truth that very few people play the same game forever.


And the game has not realy changed, *player1* and *player2* have. Quite frankly they are flowing a very classic player pattern.

Step 1. New game,every thing is a challange lots of fun.
Step 2. Some chalanges over come, still a lot to learn , still having fun.
Step 3. Have gained some friends, Figure out new and chalanging things to do to gether, still having fun.
Step 4. Few friends leave, play less, still have fun on ocation.
Step 5. Rembers the fun they used to have, log on for that fun, but can't seem to get that all encompasing, time passes by hours and feels like minets feeling anymore. But they still hold out hope for that feeling.
Step 6. Feeling just dons't realy come back, Start blaming everyone else and the game for them not having that feeling any more.
Step 7. Become vocal about yourself not having fun. Try to persuade everone else that you not having fun is all there fault.

I have seen this cycle repeated over and over with people. Most people tend to retire at 5. And only a rair few ever make it to step 7.

What I have never figured out, is how HTC should deal with the step 7 player. Let them complain, or take action and just end there suffering.


My $.02 - Look for other games/puzzles in AH.  There's plenty of them besides the 1v1 "fair" fight to learn and try to master.

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2008, 02:37:17 PM »
Great post dtango.  I think another word for what HT was describing is dopamine-insensitivity. :P
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