Bad idea, and what is the purpose? Perks are like Monopoly money, everybody has some and it ain't worth a hoot.
The general idea is that some people will try to see how many perks they can land in one flight, instead of how many kills they can land in one flight. In order to accomplish this, they'll up 20+ ENY fighters instead of 5 ENY (or perk) aircraft. Thus increasing the variety of aircraft seen in the LWMAs, which is good for everyone sick of seeing nothing but LA7s, Spit16s, N1K2s, P51Ds, and Typhoons (a common complaint).
A secondary effect will be to encourage players to move to the under-populated side, since they'll have a better perk modifier.
And a tertiary effect will be that people who up nothing but so-called "dweeb" planes to get their name in lights will see that tiny perk number next to their kills and possibly consider flying something else next time.
I consider it a win/win/win situation for everyone but the so-called "dweebs", who very well might be disappointed with this change were it to be implemented.
You know, its one thing landing kills and bragging about them. Its an entirely different thing bragging about the perks you earned compared to someone else who landed more kills with less perks.
To which I responded:
I'm curious why you believe my idea is any worse?
To which Denhold responded:
Worse in comparison to what?
So to be very specific, I'm curious how bragging on perks earned is "entirely different" (and implied worse) than bragging about number of kills. To me it seems the entirely the same and certainly no worse.
In fact I argue that its better, and its a more "legit" brag, to brag on killing better planes with a worse one, than to kill any planes with a 5 ENY or perk ride.
I don't think it'll in any way encourage rants about cheating and I don't see how it has anything to do with ranting about "n00bs". Then again I never tune to 200 where all the ranting supposedly appears.