Rook Strategic Bomber Mission Alert!A 'Mother of all Missions' [MoM] Event
OPERATION:__________"Aluminum Overcast"
AIRCRAFT:____________ B-17G, P-51D, P-47D
* DATE:________________ Tuesday, 21 October 2008
*ASSEMBLY:___________ 2030 HRS (8:30PM EDT)
LAUNCH:_____________ 2100 HRS (9:00PM EDT)
COUNTRY: ___________ Rook
ARENA: ______________ Titanic Tuesday
*Date & planes subject to change as circumstances or ENY dictate.INTRODUCTIONNow that the weather is getting cooler and many of
us are finished with the chores that burdened us all
summer, I thought it would be a fun idea to start
up these Rook Joint Squadron Operations mass missions.
The bomber missions I have been running in the MA
have been very well attended and enjoyed by many
so I thought it would be fun to kick it up a notch or two
by organizing a titanic air battle for everyone to
enjoy in advance.
I had initially started on this idea back in the spring
but everything didn't come together until May...but
by then it was too late, summer was upon us.
So lets see how this idea does now that we are all
available once again.
WHO'S INVITEDAll Rook players and squadrons are invited to attend!
In addition to this general invite, a personal invitation
will be transmitted to over 190 Rook players and squadron
C.O.'s currently on our email alert list so I am hopeful
that we will get a decent turnout.
If you wish to be notified by email of upcoming
'Mother of all Missions' [MoM] events, visit our website at
www.lcasquad.organd enter your email in the "MoM Alert Signup" box
at the top of the page.
HOW TO PARTICIPATEJust be in the arena and join the mission after it is
posted. Don't worry, it will be aggressively advertised
on Country Channel text so you don't miss it.
If you have any questions please post them in this thread
and I will try my best to quickly answer them.
Click on the mission banner above for more information.
I am hoping to run one of these each month, maybe
twice a month if there is enough interest. 8)
Hope to see you there!