If you watch it you can see me drag you away from your friends and turn into you when i thought i was clear for a 1v1. I only ran when i could see your wingman and a p51 headed my way, i find it hard to believe you wanted a 1v1 considering you were flying with a wingman. My SA isn't that great but even i can spot when a gang is about to occur- I was running from a 3v1 not a 1v1. You're well known as a channel 200 diva, but please make your comments based on fact.
You engaged me then disengaged, I turned towards 92 since you were simply extending away climbing - I stated on range leave the 109 alone,
only after the other 109 engaged you later I returned from 92 to see you shot him down.
Now did I gang you in that fight? Answer that thrila. Did I purposely gang you with the P51 and 109? Did all 3 of us dive on you?
Check the range of those cons when you disengaged and I left towards 92. Did I once turn bad towards you when they DID show up?
You were right to extend away, only after I blasted you on 200 I see then the P-51 6k away - Hence why I didn't bother to re-engage.
I have had good fights with you in the past, only reason I got steamed I never seen you disengage after 1 turn then climb away,
but I only re-engaged when N0rmal called out he was going down, hence your 1 on 1 with him was over, whatever happen to p51 I don't know,
I had to deal with a P-51 taking off when I came down and seen where you were again, and came down on you.
So you haven't answered yet - Have I ever ganged you, or in fact this fight - gang you 2 on 1? Last 3 times we fought I have on film, we both disengaged once during the furball, and I never said anything - we have had very good fights - this one I just got ticked simply the disengage
when all cons were no where close to "picking" range.