I was hoping someone would be kind enough to skin the great 'kikusui' <菊水> (chrysanthemum-water) of the 1st Chutai/22nd Sentai
the bottom is white, like most japanese planes and the top is a Golden Brown, with a white band on the tail, a kikusui mark on the tail and a chrysanthemum, with sixteen petals under the cockpit (fuel intake port). Notice the double red band on the landing gear, the yellow 'ノルナ' on the wing behind the yellow gun ports (as usual with japanese planes) and red dotted markings indicating the flaps. If there is someone who is any good at creating skins, and loves the KI84, then this would be a great addition especially since it was the first unit to receive the KI84 and the kikusui unit was considered the best of the best (although never truly as famous as some of the the navy chutai).
http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/9219/ki84kikusui.jpgif there is any more information I can provide, please don't hesitate to contact me or reply.