I posted this statement on another thread
"How would a fully loaded b17 be any different that lets, say the way we use the mossie, a20, 110's, those planes were not made to turn and loop the way its done in AH. specially the 110, it was not allowed over England due to its inability to turn with any plane. same with the diving lancs, b26's etc, they could not release bombs in a dive. the bombs were carried inside the fuselage if the release while diving they wouldda hit the pilot right in back of the head (ok just a little exaggeration), and yet dive bombing is done here all the time."
several threads down the road he posted his corkscrew defense, from a book (interesting I may add), in reply to the statement to the following statement.
"maybe you should re-read your notes, due to the ease at which 110's were shot down over england they were not allowed to go unless accompanies by heavy escort, which later in the war was consired a waste of resources. lancs would not dive bomb because that would disrupt their formation, which was their main defense, also they flew at night, with no lights, which made it even worst. as for looping they had gunners, boxes of ammo, other crap and they would have been bouncing inside like a ball in a ping pong machine. mossies were best at low level (and I mean tree top) light bombers but were no match for the fiters in dogfites, not saying they didnt shoot a few fiters, but their best defense was to hit and run like hell before anybody knew they were there."
and ack, thank you, I didnt know about the corkscrew maneuver, however as to how effective was, I still stand by my reply that it was not. you want facts, 3500 to 4000 lancs were lost (nearly 1/2) and if we were to find out how many lacs never saw combat, due to maintenace problems, were made too late in the war, etc. you would find out that too many were lost to enemy fiters. so no the maneuver was not very effective, not that it was never used. but in the spirit that I wrote my original posting was.
-in ah diving buffs (lancs, a26) should not happen if bombs are carried inside the fuselage. bombs should not release on neg g pressure ( see the picture)
-110, mossies, a20's really should not outturn fiters, they didnt do it in the war, (dont mention that it depends on the skill of the player, i have shot down some very good players on a turn fite and I have zero skill in anything other than my beloved spit).
here's a b26 releasing bombs while upside down. it shouldnt happen. or even diving at a steep angle, like its done regularly here.