Ok, I've got the terrain portion done enough to show one HQ Island (which has a couple small ring islands). I only adjusted the brightness levels in Photoshop, to make them not quite so washed-out looking. Subject to constant tweaking (...cuz I'm a tweaker

), the small island with the small airfield is approx 8x4 miles and the HQ island is approx 34x22 miles. Without giving too much info, each country will have a large island for the HQ, far enough away to require some time to get there. It's a 256-mile map, with what I hope to be a fun and workable main landmass. No ETA on more samples or submission for online consideration for play in the Main Arenas - my big issue right now is my lack of sleep and doing design work in my head at work when I'm supposed to be doing the work they pay me to do.

Rocky inland hills on the east side of HQ Island 1

West coast farmland on HQ Island 1 (notice small airfield island in the distance)

View of small airfield island looking back towards HQ Island

View of small airfield on small island