The Kuban Air Battles The Time: 1943
The Place: Southern RussiaThank you to Easyscor for his AVAsml Terrain
Russians:Bishops P-39D P-40E,C Hurri-1 Spitfire Mk V. La-5 (At one rear base) T34, M3, LVT2.PT-(Forward fields A19,18,21) B-25C,A20 C47-(Rear fields A25,A32,A26)

Germans:Kights 109G2 109G6 190A5 Ju-87 Panzer LVT2,PT(Forward fields A3 A1 A2) Ju-88 C47(Rear fields A25,A32,A26)
OBJECTIVES:Side with most bases at the end of the week wins.
Utilize PT boats,LVT’S and
C47's to capture forward
Map= AVAsml
Visibility is 14.0 miles
Fuel burn rate is 1.0
Ack settings are .25
Base capture: 10 troops
Radar (yes)
Icons: Fog of war
The German-held Kuban bridgehead,
situated along the
Taman peninsula, was an area of
extreme importance to both
sides. The Germans saw the region
as essential to protecting
the eastern approaches to the Crimea ,
whereas the Soviets
viewed the bridgehead as a
launch-point for another possible
German offensive into the northern Caucasus .
This terrain needs a set of clip maps installed showing were the town is.
Some of you may have it already.
On the avsml terrain the towns are located at the airfields.
you can dl clip maps here.,321252.msg4187979.html#msg4187979

Set-up by Nr_RaVeN