The aircraft default head position is centered again in the aircraft I listed before. A6m's, C-47, F6F, P-40, and Mossie 16. F10 works to reset the head position.
I tried the Me163 since lulu posted about it but the Y axis and roll worked fine for me.
F10 will also reset the head position without pausing TIR and if I tap F10 repeatedly in the tower without moving my head my virtual head will move in small increments, either forward and left or back and right. Pausing TIR and using home and F10 resets the head position to default.
I tested with the Trackclip and TrackclipPro with the default TIR profile.
It's certainly usable now but F10 resetting the head position while TIR is active is new behavior and I assume it's unintentional.
The response also feels different but I think that adjusting my regular profile will take care of that.