Author Topic: Strategic Level Bombing 101 Page 1 Read First  (Read 764 times)

Offline Cjpedrido

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Strategic Level Bombing 101 Page 1 Read First
« on: April 09, 2012, 05:17:34 PM »
Strategic Level Bombing 101

The following is a descriptive “How To” analysis when conducting “Strategic Level Bombing”.  I have written this from a basic approach for the new player or the player with very little bombing experience.  So if the narrative seems a little simple to you please understand the intent here.

For definition sake “Strategic” means 1 bomb/1 target (Salvo 1 preset).  Remember when flying bomber formations it means you plus 2 drones.   Therefore a Salvo 1 setting = 3 bombs…one from you & one from each drone.  Tip:  Make sure “Formation” box is checked to have drones from the bomber setup.

For definition sake “Level” means the lead aircraft (yours) plus drones are flat, stable, level, on target, doors open, bombing “Calibration Mode” set and a zero “Climb” rate as noted in the “E6B”.

For simplicity I will detail using Lancs & B-17’s although the principles are the same for most any bomber.

1st Choice Load Out:  14 x 1,000# (gives you max targets…eg. 1 bomb/target = 14 targets)
2nd Choice Load Out:  9 (1,000#) x 1 (4,000#) Cookie (the Cookie is great for the exact center of a town)

1st Choice Load Out:  12 x 500# (gives you max targets…eg. 1 bomb/target = 12 targets)
                                                      (Damage is not as great as using 1,000 pounders but you get more
                                                      quantity of ords (Ordanance) vs. 2nd Choice below)
2nd Choice Load Out:   6 x 1,000# (1 bomb/target = 6 targets)

Load out percentages whether 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% are dependent on three factors:
1.   The distance to the target or multiple targets you plan to strike in a single sortie.
2.   The takeoff weight load of your bombers which DIRECTLY affects Climb Rate.
(Less fuel = Faster Climb Rate).
3.    Extra fuel to return home if you are bombing to take out the target(s) & score bomber points.

So now that I have outlined some basic concepts let’s start.

First, pick a departure base that is suitably far away from your target area so that you can avoid enemy contacts (Cons) and climb to your target(s) altitude unmolested.  This will most likely be many sectors away from your target(s).  On climb out position your bombers for maximum angle of attack which is an airspeed of about 150 MPH.  Hit the “Shift X” key to go into “Auto Angle” mode.  The on dash “Auto Light” light will turn Green to show you are locked in “Auto Angle” mode.
Tip:  Some bases have much higher elevations than others…departing from such a base gives you more fuel fly time because you are not wasting fuel climbing.  Eg. If a base is at 4.0k you saved a lot of fuel departing from there vs. a base at 0.0k.
You will also most likely have multiple waypoints (Vectors) on your climb to target altitude.  Stay inside your own territory climbing to at least 50% to 75% of your total target(s) altitude.  If possible stay away even from your own Dar (radar) in the event of unforeseen attacks on your own bases… you certainly do not want to get spotted.
Reason:  You are a big fat slow easy target when climbing. 
The remaining 50% or 25% of climbing you can do transitioning to the target(s).  Always fly between Dar gaps especially if transitioning through enemy territory… fly to avoid detection.  The bombers best weapon is the Altitude & the Element of Surprise.

Plan ahead.  As a novice bomber you probably will start close to the conflict area and fly to say 5,500’ feet because you are excited to see stuff blow up and you want instant gratification/results.  This is great fun but it will get you killed real fast because Con fighters easily can climb to 5,500’…fast!  This scenario instantly reverses your position as Offender to a position of Defender (trying to save yourself).  Eventually though, you will graduate to 7,500’, 10,000’ and higher and ultimately discover that moving to departure bases further away from the battle front gives you the ability to gain the altitude you need to not only to bomb unhindered and keep you alive as well.
 As you get more proficient you will see that Altitude is your Friend.  Personally I prefer a bombing altitude of 20,000’ to 25,000’ or greater.
Reason:  By the time you pierce the enemy Dar (white ring if On/Enabled, red if Off/Disabled);  presuming it is up(white/Enabled), you can easily get to the target(s), drop ords and exit the area before any piston powered aircraft can climb to you at 20,000’ plus altitude.

Position your bombers at target altitude well in advance of breaking the Dar ring.  Hit the “X” key twice… your bombers will be on “Auto Level” now and pursue a flight path that is both straight and relatively level. (To verify look on your aircraft dashboard for a button marked “Autolight”…if it is On, the light is Yellow…if it is Off, there is no light lit)
Leave the throttle at maximum and you will see your air speed slowly increase to its fullest/fastest forward velocity on the aircraft dashboard gauge called the Airspeed Indicator or AI. 
Hit the F3 button.  Look at your plane/formation from the side view.  Joystick users use the high hat toggle, keyboard users use keypad arrows to get a side view.

You will notice you have a slight nose up attitude.  This is normal for bombers in full throttle.  You are in essence climbing slightly even though you are level flying.  You can verify this by opening the “Clipboard” (“Esc” key),
 Click the “E6B”,
 Look at the “Speed” box on the left,
 Go down to “Climb”.
You will see a positive #.  It means you are climbing… again, but ever so slightly.  If the number is a minus “-“, it means you are diving.  Both positive and negative numbers will change as “Speed” changes.  The ideal number is zero “0”.  More on how to achieve this later.

The goal here in pre-calibration mode is to save you time later and verify that your altitude is stable, not climbing or descending and that the “Calibrated Speed” is as close as possible to “Current Speed”.

Hit the F6 button.  You will see a bomb sight but the ground may or may not be moving in the correct direction relative to your direction of flight.  Hit the “U” key to correct this.  The ground should now be moving towards you which is correct and is your direction of travel.
Hit the “Y” key.  Follow the instructions in the upper left hand corner.  The longer you hold the “Y” key down (minimum 2 seconds recommended) the better calibrated your “Calibrated Speed” will be to “Current Speed”.
Important:  Once again the goal here is to verify that your altitude is stable, not climbing or descending and that the “Calibrated Speed” is as close as possible to “Current Speed”.  You may have to press & release the “Y” key a few times.  Your goal is to get these numbers to match up as close as possible to each other as you can.

Open the bomb “Doors” (“O” key),
 Now open the “Clipboard”,
 Click the “E6B”,
 Look at the “Speed” box on the left.
 Go down to “Climb”.
You will see a positive # that is reducing.  This is caused by the drag the bomb bay doors are causing on your flight profile.  Wait for it to stop. When it stops tap the minus “–“key on your keyboard once.  Wait.  You will see the number drop. Tap the key again to further reduce this number.  But wait a few seconds after each tap to check the results.  Remember you are trying to get as close to zero as possible.  If you tap too much and you go into the negative numbers tap the “+”to increase this.  Your goal is zero which is dead flat, level & stable flight.
 A positive or negative number at bomb drop release is potential for a missed target…long or short…you missed.  This can become a significant error factor either way, plus or minus, the higher your altitude.  As you make this corrective”Climb” adjustment you will hear the engines reduce in power AND the airspeed will reduce from full power.  Again your goal is to get as close to zero you can.

Hit the “F3” key.  You are now looking outside the aircraft from the rear looking forward.  Make any course corrections now to line yourself up with the town, airfield or if you are lucky both.  Remember getting lined up now properly outside the Dar effectively is way better than a bunch of small corrections close in later.  Hit the “X” key for Auto Level once you think you are basically lined up on target.  Get closer to the target.

Once you are just at or inside the Dar you should have a visual of the target.  Hit the zoom “Z” key to see better.  To unzoom hit the “Z” key again.  Line up on target. Make any corrections necessary.  Visualize.  Finalize your target approach path.  Remember:  A small correction 10 miles out is better than 5 corrections too close in.   Hit the “X” key for “Auto Level” once you think you are lined up on target.
Go back to the “E6B”.  Re-verify you are as close as possible to zero “Climb”…make adjustments, plus “+” or minus “-“keys, if needed.
 Remember:  Tap & wait.  Zero is the goal.

****** Continued  - See Page 2 ******

Offline PFactorDave

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Re: Strategic Level Bombing 101 Page 1 Read First
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2012, 05:35:03 PM »
*****Page 2 *****

Go to the bomb sight.  Hit the “F6” button.  Hit the “Y” key & hold it.  You are now doing final calibrations.  Remember the longer you hold the “Y” key down (minimum 2 seconds recommended)   the better calibrated your Current Altitude and Current Airspeed are to Corrected Altitude and Corrected Airspeed.  You may have to press & release the “Y” key a few times.  Once they are equal or as close a match as you can get them, move on.
Hit the “U” key. Use your joystick for any minor left or right corrections (yaw).  Hit the “X” key for “Auto Level” once you think you are exactly on target.
Important:  There should be no significant pitch or yaw movements/corrections at this stage.  If you do so you will need to recalibrate the “E6B” and/or the “F6” bomb sight.  Failure to recalibrate & you will likely miss the target.  Any changes in altitude will also require recalibration.
Hit the zoom “Z” key.  As the crosshair in the bomb sight touches the target …release….Bomb your target(s).
Tip: if you hit the “Y” key after you drop and have enough altitude you can see your bombs impact….kind of cool really.  Successful target hits also appears in your Text buffer.  That is the dialogue box bottom left hand corner of your screen.
 Note:  If you are new to bombers you might drop a bomb slightly before the target, one on it and one after it.  This is normal.  As your confidence, accuracy & skill level increases you will lower this to two bombs/target and eventually, with practice, one bomb/one target.

Presuming you have been successful close the bomb doors “O” key and go to full throttle.
You can now:
1.   Return to base (RTB) if you are out of ords, fuel, damaged or Pilot Wounded.
2.   Progress to the next target & get set up/calibrated all anew.
3.   Do a “go around” where you make a slow reverse turn to come back and re-attack the same location.

For a “go around” cut back on throttle slightly (one tap of the minus “-“works just fine) so that when you make turns your drones will stay alongside you.  This is called a Coordinated Turn or a Banking Turn.  If you turn too sharply or fast you risk losing a drone or worse yet both.  Drones can only be so far away from you before they self destruct.  This self-destruct game feature also applies to differences in your altitude vs. your drones as well.
Losing a drone means less ords, less defensive guns and a lost bomber to jump into later if needed.  As you gain more confidence turning, eventually you will be able to make flat (level) coordinated  (in sync) turns at full throttle.

When recalibrating after a “go around” make sure your drones are clearly right next to you.  The calibration process time is much faster when the drones are in position next to you rather than they have to catch up to you.  So plan ahead.  I recommend for new players on any “go around” a 10-15 mile dog leg trip so you have plenty of time to get your procedures done and not be rushed.

As you get better with your skills and understanding of the bombing sequence, eventually you will be able to streamline these procedures into a simple outline as follows:
Open Doors “O” key
F3 – Line up
E6B - Adjust
F6 – Bomb Sight
“U” key – Finalize
“Y” – Calibrate
“U” – Target
Zoom “Z” key – Bombs Away!

So that is a rough idea how to conduct a Strategic Level Bombing run.  I certainly hope this post has been instructional in nature.  I learned most everything myself by trial & error.  However there are a few individuals in my squad who I would like to Thank for their insight & advice.  Not necessarily in this order but they are:
vGAZOO – “You can never have too much altitude”

They are great bombers.

For new players or those wishing to learn, try the other Arenas.  Especially after hours.  If you tell other players you are live bomber training most are very accommodating & will either leave you alone or let you drop first & see the results…. then they go for the kill on you.  Either way everybody is happy.  Great way to learn & score a few points.  On the subject of points you get more points bombing a town vs. a field.  This is a great way to build confidence and experience. 
To “land” your points you must “End Sortie” on friendly concrete such as a runway, hanger pad, taxiway etc.  Ending the sortie on grass, beach or anything else does not count.  It has to be concrete.

Shift X= Auto-Angle (hold your climb pitch when climbing to altitude on vectors)(Light is Green)
X = Auto Level (Light is Yellow)
Z = Zoom In/Out
Backspace = switch from 1,000 pounders to a 4,000 Cookie in Lancs

CTRL 1 = Jump to your Plane
CTRL 2 = Jump to Drone 2 (useful if Your Plane is shot down)
CTRL 3 = jump to Drone 3 (Useful if Drone 2 you were in is shot down)

.salvo 1 = drop 1 bomb (.salvo 3 = 3 bombs, .salvo 7 = 7 bombs, etc.)
F3 key then hit F8 key – Gives you a God View so you can look on a 360 degree format using the joystick high hat controls or your keyboard key pad .

Game maps are available in the “Clipboard” however they are drab and may not be accurate.
To access”Clipboard Maps”:
Hit the “Esc” key to bring up the “Clipboard”,
Right click on the “Map” and a box pops up,
Click “Clipboard Maps” at the bottom of that box.  A second box opens to the left.
From the “Clipboard Map Box” pull down the menu, click the map you want such as Town, Vehicle Hanger, Port, Air Field, etc. & you now have an in-flight map.
The box closes upon exit and defaults back to the main “World”map.
You can also click “Apply” to save the map you view and override the default “World” map.

A complete list of keyboard commands is available at ,
Click HELP,
Find Flight Controls,
Click Keyboard Commands.
Tip:  Printing a paper copy comes in real handy.
Here is the direct link:

The Devils=v=Brigade also has updated “Maps, Gun Sights and Bombing Run” maps available on our website.  We support all Aces High players whether you are a Bishop, Knight or Rook …so ours maps are available to anyone and can be found here:
Go to
Click “Maps, Gun Sights & Photos”,
Click “Maps”,
Click the specific map you desire,
Right click on the Map and click “Save Picture as….” bitmap(*.bmp).  Maps are in .bmp format (called bitmaps).

You can do the same with the “Bombing Routes” maps.
Click “Maps, Gun Sights & Photos”,
Click “Bombing Routes”,
Click the specific map you desire,
Right click on the Map and click “Save Picture as….”bitmap.

You can also replace your in game “Clipboard Maps” with these new ones:
Find the saved maps on your computer and click copy.
Double click the “Hitech Creations” directory on your computer,
Double click “Aces High” directory,
Double click “Maps” file.
Copy/paste/replace the map(s) you downloaded and you now have accurate maps in your “Clipboard”.

Note:  Recommended you save the old files as backup.

You can print these in game maps as well by accessing the “Hitech Creations” folder on your hard drive.  Double click the “Aces High” directory,
Double click the “Maps” directory,
Double click the “Map” file.
Pick & print the map(s) you want on most any printer.  You now have handy paper copies.

In summary, I wrote this because I felt there was a need for some basic in depth “How To” bomber guidance especially for newcomers.  My primary goal was to detail a step by step guide.  If novice or established players have also benefited from this outline then my efforts have been totally successful.

I have never seen anything similar to this written so I hope it is useful for everyone.



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Offline JimmyD3

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Re: Strategic Level Bombing 101 Page 1 Read First
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2012, 07:25:15 PM »
Awesome write up!!!! I have gained more help from this than the last 8 weeks of trial and error!!!! :cheers: :salute :aok
CO Sic Puppies MWK
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Offline SAJ73

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Re: Strategic Level Bombing 101 Page 1 Read First
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2012, 10:34:38 AM »
Very good writeup indeed!  :aok
The part with the slight climb on Auto X level flight full trottle I was not aware of, so the E6B part was very useful to me!  :rock

Otherwise my biggest struggle is the only part not described in this writeup, the part where you need to gun down that 262 that has upped 4 bases away and is approaching fast.  :confused:
I have terrible luck with hitting anything in gunner position, if it is as plane gunner or field gunner is does not matter.. I rarely manage to land hits before I am shot dead.. Guess I just need more practice to find my right lead for any distance/angle of attack/speed.. But it is very hard to find that "magic" spot in the heat of combat..  :joystick: :rolleyes:

Offline Daddkev

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Re: Strategic Level Bombing 101 Page 1 Read First
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2012, 11:10:26 PM »
 :aok :aok :aok Cool, im doing it right! G4M1 best perk farmer in the game!  :banana: :joystick: :banana: :joystick: :banana:
God Bless America
Go tell Momm, im flying! and make me a sandwich !

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Offline pembquist

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Re: Strategic Level Bombing 101 Page 1 Read First
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2012, 11:25:11 AM »
Couple questions about the autopilot.  I have not used shift x much I use alt x which flys at an indicated airspeed.  Do you notice a difference in climb performance using a fixed angle? Any idea why when im in f6 multiple calibrations yield different speeds no matter how long I hold the key down. eg: airspeed 214 calibrated speed 218, 211, 215, 219 etc.  My impression is that this happens even when its settled down, I often just go with a lower number and throttle back to match real speed to calibrated speed.
Pies not kicks.

Offline Lusche

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Re: Strategic Level Bombing 101 Page 1 Read First
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2012, 11:39:41 AM »
Couple questions about the autopilot.  I have not used shift x much I use alt x which flys at an indicated airspeed.  Do you notice a difference in climb performance using a fixed angle?

You are doing it right, because shift-x (auto angle) is a bad mode for sustained climb. Alt-x will try to keep you at the best (most efficient) climb speed and thus adjust the angle while you climb, the higher you get the shallower this angle gets.
With a fixed angle of climb, you would slow down more and more and finally stall.

I often just go with a lower number and throttle back to match real speed to calibrated speed.

That's particularly to recommend if you don't have the time to re-calibrate again, it's often much easier to drop 2mph instead of frantically trying to "hit" the correct speed in calibration. A good buff pilot with experience can also adjust for minor speed differences between real speed and calibrated one and hit the release button just a moment earlier or later.

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