Someone may have asked for this before but it would be nice to have an option to change munitions or fuel loadout on the rearm pad.
Example 1 -Lets say you've just captured the base and hangers are down. You flew to base with full loadout of fuel and 2 1000 lb's bombs and rockets in the p51. Enemy GVs are now rolling in from spawn and you dont need that much fuel or rockets. It would be a nice option to be able to deselect rockets and less fuel on the rearm pad.
Example 2- Lets say you've just touched down after having killed two gvs with bombs and dont want to land kills yet. You rearm and you need less fuel than before with a different bomb loadout say 500 lbs vs 1000 lbs.
I believe expending ords without killing anything affects some aspect of score. Not that score is why I am posting this.