There is a new version of the AH FMOD beta with a download link below. Please use this version for all further testing until a new version is released.
This version attempts to address ticking and device issues.
There is a new diagnostic output file. In your Aces High folder, there will be a file named fmodinit.txt that is created after you run the test version. When reporting a problem, please cut and paste the contents of that text file into your post. It is not necessary to include your dxdiag output.
Thanks for your continued assistance in testing.
Original post with new download link:
In our previous sound system change, we ran into some roadblocks that eventually kept us from implementing a sound event system that allows us more detailed sounds. We're once again looking into moving to a new sound system (FMOD) and need some help with low level testing across multiple platforms. We have a test version that will install in your existing Aces High folder. It should run just the same as your regular Aces High. There are no new sounds or effects in this, this is just to check that everything still works and nothing crashes. There is a small installer download that will install 3 files into your Aces High folder. If you want it will also create a shortcut on your desktop(ahfmod.exe). Run this shortcut instead of your usual Aces High icon to launch the test version. If you have a problem with the test version you can simply go back to launching the game as you normally do.
Here is the link to the download. It is about 4MB. Please report in this thread if the test version runs normally for you of if you encountered a problem. Thanks for your help.