Author Topic: In the "Playroom" arena  (Read 393 times)

Offline jimson

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      • The Axis vs Allies Arena
In the "Playroom" arena
« on: July 01, 2014, 05:15:59 PM »
 *************MISSION THEATRE*****************

Missions will start at 1:00pm 2:00pm and 3:00pm EST
repeat at 6:00pm 7:00pm and 8:00pm ESTand at 11:00pm,
12:00am and1:00 am EST.

During the automatic terrain changeover, the arena will
be emptied and players will need to log back
in prior to the mission start.

The mission will automatically launch 5 to 10
minutes past the hour.
To select a side and an aircraft, go to
Staged Missions-Populate Missions, highlight
your game name and double click the slot you
wish to fly

Certain slots may be listed as AI only. These should
not be chosen by players.

***************CURRENT MISSIONS******************
The RAF and Commonwealth Desert Airforce
attempts to bomb a strategic target in N Africa.
Aircraft-P-40C, Hurricane MKI, Boston

The Luftwaffe attempts to stop them.
Aircraft: BF-109E, BF-110C

<<<<<<<<Flying Tigers>>>>>>>>
Join the American Volunteer Group as they
partner with the RAF/CW to stop a Japanese
attack on their base at Rangoon.
Aircraft: P-40C, Hurricane Mk1

Join the Imperial Japanese Air Force as they
attempt to destroy an American base.
Aircraft: Ki-43, G4M1

The 8th Air Force takes the war to the German
homeland in this escorted bombing mission.
Aircraft: P-51D, B-17

The Luftwaffe Defends the Reich.
Aircraft: BF-109K4, ?