I am going to coin a new term, and call it shade dumping. Sunday night I was able to find at least 7 unresponsive players in the MA that were just sitting in towers for hours. These players have never been seen before or spoken to before.
They do not appear to be new players as they do not respond to anything, and have squad names like 745431.
It appears that on Sunday nights some people take their shade accounts and dump them on a team to mess with ENY / side balancing.
This is a BS tactic and somehow needs to be stopped.
I think there should be an idle time allowance of 10 minutes, then you are host disconnected. People blabbing on 200 in the tower would not suffer, and the offenders could be caught by typing "/" into range every 9 minutes. We noticed this last night and a couple of weeks ago, seems to mainly happen on Sunday night, when no one is looking.