Author Topic: Beta Patch 39 Information (August 17, 2016)  (Read 607 times)

Offline Skuzzy

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Beta Patch 39 Information (August 17, 2016)
« on: August 17, 2016, 01:50:19 PM »
Welcome to Beta DX9/DX11 Patch 39.  This version was built and released on August 17, 2016.

Test goals:
Test stability of both DX11 and DX9 versions.

Test auto download of terrain sets off and online.


Action: Added the ability to patch terrset files, only terrset00 will now ship with full install.
Action: Added a parameter to .disableweapon to work in quiet mode, I.E. does not send back a file response.
Action: Fixed a bug with the script command which did not allow spaces in a file name.
Action: Fixed a bug causing troop icons not to display.
Action: Fixed the reload sound on the 8 inch guns and other man gun positions.
Action: Upgraded to fmod version 1.04.09.
Action: Fixed a buffering issue causing frame lock to vsync with DX11, should show a frame rate increase especially in VR.
Action: Fixed an issue with smoke being culled when zooming.
Action: Fixed a very, very, very, very old issue (I.E. since our first multi engine plane) where if engine 1 was damaged you could not shut down the other engines with out selecting each one.
Action: Changed to craterma as the default terrain.

Additional Information:
Use the ".psave filename" command to save your position in the terrain/world.  If you do not provide a file name, then file will be saved as "cmepos.txt" in the "settings" folder.  Thank you!

Thanks for the help with the creation of Aces High III.

HiTech & Crew


Note, we have had many reports of Avira, Avast, Norton, and Kaspersky false triggering on the patch files as well as the entire Beta installation file.  Either include the file name in the ignore list of your anti-virus, or disable your anti-virus before updating/installing to mitigate the false triggers.

The patch (take note of which version you have, if you are manually patching!):
Beta Patch 38 to Beta Patch 39

The full install:
Full Version 0.02 Patch 39.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 02:00:05 PM by hitech »
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese