Author Topic: The Great HQ raids  (Read 759 times)

Offline Skuzzy

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The Great HQ raids
« on: October 27, 2000, 11:01:00 AM »
The war had been going badly for the Bishops,...down to only a few fields, moral low, and continuous pounding from the enemy had reduced the Bishops to a level of anxiety and frustration that could only lead to further degradation and reduced hope.
But there was a light at the end of this long tunnel for the Bishops.  A few brave souls would offer up a spark, a hope....that the Bishop would and could again be victorious.
We move to the Bishop HQ.....

  General:  The war is going badly for us.
  Colonel:  The raid on the Rook HQ went well though.
  General:  Not well enough.  We did not hurt their city, the HQ being dropped was only a small panacea.  And we lost 2 bombers in the process!
  Colonel:  But the pilots managed to get back alive.
  General:  There was that.  We need to be more aggressive, we need a big victory.  The troops need it.
  Colonel:  If I may, General.  We have devised a plan.
  General:  Let's here it.

The Colonel covers the plan, while the General listens and thinks.

  General:  You do realize this is a suicide mission?
  Colonel:  Possibly.
  General:  You are more optimistic than I am.
  Colonel:  I like to think our troops are up to the task General.
  General:  Why would this be any different than the Rook raid?
  Colonel:  We are sending in 1 more bomber and, this time, with fighter cover.
  General:  Who you got?
  Colonel:  3 fine Lancaster pilots and 2 fighter pilots.
  General:  Names?
  Colonel:  MaceEAF
  General:  He is a good man.  A fine bomber pilot.
  Colonel:  Nomde
  General:  One of the best.  Follows orders to the letter.  But didn't he just get out the hospital with a broken hand from his last sortie?
  Colonel:  Yes sir.  The beer bottle did not have a twist off top,...he managed to get it off,...but broke his hand.
  General:  Hope he can fly with one paw.  Who is the other pilot?
  Colonel:  Skuzzy
  General:  WHAT!  He is a lunatic!  A loose cannon.  Didn't he just get demoted for carrying unauthorized material on his last mission?
  Colonel:  Yes sir,...a BBQ grill.  But he is a team player, and can hit the target.  He went on the Rook HQ raid and hit the target.
  General:  Hmmrrph.  Risky.  Who do you have for fighter cover?
  Colonel:  BUG and Frenchy.
  General:  Damn fine pilots.  Can we afford to pull them from the front?
  Colonel:  We either use 2 good pilots or 4 medium pilots.
  General:  No No..  We have to keep the flight small in order to get this pulled off.
  Colonel:  I will give the briefing myself sir.
  General:  Make sure they understand the risk here Colonel.  Dismissed.
  Colonel:  Yes sir.
  General:  Oh,...Colonel...
  Colonel:  Yes sir.
  General:  Tell Skuzzy he can take his grill.  Maybe the smoke will confuse the enemy,...or at least make them hungry.
  Colonel:  Yes sir.

The Colonel flies to A1 for the briefing.  The pilots have all assembled, is 14:00 hours.

  Sargent:  Ten-SHUN!
  Colonel:  As you were gentlemen.

The Colonel lays out an elaborate plan of attack for the Knight HQ.  The flight will take the squad through the enemy corridor between fields a3 and a4.  The nits have been supplying fighters from a3 to cover and defend a4 for days.  Bug would fly cover.  Due to the fighters not being able to make the whole trip, Frenchy would relieve BUG.
From there the flight would continue due N directly over the "great mountain".  Here is where Frenchy would relieve BUG.  Concerns were noted on this path.  If the squad turned N too soon, they would not have the altitude to clear the mountain and be forced to follow the SW slope of the mountain dangerously close to the nit airfields.
Once over the mountain, the squad would turn due W on the sector line leading to the nit HQ.  200 miles from the nit HQ a course adjustment would put them on a direct line with the nit HQ.

  Colonel:  Any questions?
  Skuzzy:  Sir,...who is the lunatic that thought up this plan.  I have a charcoal poker I want to put his name on.  Cause when I get back I am gonna have to cram this thing up that idiots butt!
  Colonel:  I am the lunatic, son.  Make sure you spell my name right.
  Skuzzy:  Oh puppies!
  Nomde:  <shakes head>
  Skuzzy:  Sorry sir,...its just that....well,,, seems like we wont be...
  MaceEAF:  We can do this!
  Skuzzy:  <looks at mace>
  Skuzzy:  Ya,....hell ya,..we can do this!
  Nomde:  <smiles>
  Colonel:  Good luck gentlemen.  Dismissed.

The pilots assemble on the runway at a1.  Taking a heading due W.  MaceEAF has troubles with his plane.  The group circles waiting for him to take off.

  Skuzzy:  Damn.....we aint starting too good.
  Nomde:  He'll make it and so will we.
  MaceEAF:  Here I come.
  BUG:  Got your cover guys.
  Nomde:  Good luck gents
  Skuzzy: Good luck all.
  MaceEAF:  Good luck
  BUG:  Luck?  Who needs it,..we got skills
  Skuzzy:  lol

The squad moves W to the turning point between a3 and a4.  They turn NNW.

  Nomde:  Keep sharp.
  MaceEAF:  con 3 o'clock!
  Skuzzy:  I see em
  BUG:  On it.

As Skuzzy looked at the con, he could not help but notice the con was flying parallel to them.  As if waiting for reinforcements. For a brief moment, Skuzzy could see the enemy and they all knew.  The enemy pilot would have no chance on a lone attack, but the enemy pilot had no choice,...just like us.

  Skuzzy:  con moving in!
  Nomde:  I see it
  MaceEAF:  got it!

As the con swept to the 6 of Skuzzy's plane, Skuzzy squeezed off a burst and pinged the plane.
The plane drops to low 6 and makes a run for under the Lancasters soft under belly.  BUG was chasing him and tracers were flying from all directions.
Skuzzy takes one more burst at the plane, just as it was about to leave his 6 view from the turret.
The enemy plane lights up like a Christmas tree.  Soon, the enemy plane is gone.

  Skuzzy:  Woohoo!  Got em.
  Nomde:  lol, an assist.
  MaceEAF:  got an assist too
  BUG:  Me too!
  Skuzzy: lol
  MaceEAF:  Damage check
  Nomde:  None here
  Skuzzy:  none here
  BUG:  none here
  MaceEAF:  well,..i think the grill should be up here as I got some additional ventilation in the rear,...but all systems are go.
  Skuzzy:  lol....ya can't have my grill!
  Nomde:  <shakes head>

The squad narrowly missed disaster, and continued,..turning N for the great mountain.

  Skuzzy:  looks like its gonna be close
  MaceEAF:  we can make it
  Skuzzy:  ya think?

In the meantime, Nomde quietly flies up to the top of the mountain, clearing it by a thousand feet or so.

  Skuzzy:  WOW
  Nomde:  Beautiful sight up here.
  MaceEAF:  con 6
  Skuzzy:  see em,...wait,...there are 2,...but they look like they are furballing.
  Nomde:  We better man guns gents.
  Skuzzy:  oh oh,..only one dot left!
  MaceEAF:  get ready
  Frenchy:  Hello gents!
  Skuzzy:  FRENCHY!
  BUG:  ok guys, I gotta rtb,...good luck
  Nomde: <S> bug, and thx for the cover
  Skuzzy: <S> bug.
  MaceEAF:  <S> bug.
  Skuzzy:  Frenchy, scared the hell outta us.
  Frenchy:  lol,...sorry got kinda busy back there.
  Nomde:  good job Frenchy
  Skuzzy:  cc,...good job

The squad then turns due W on the sector line leading to the nit HQ.

  Nomde:  We best get in gun positions folks
  Skuzzy: cc
  MaceEAF: cc
  Skuzzy:  I see enemy activity N of us.  Keep sharp.  Damn....I forgot to flip the steaks.
  Nomde:  <sigh>

The flight continues unabated.  Skuzzy, manages to get the steaks off the grill and is having lunch....

  Nomde:  Skuzzy,...take the lead
  Skuzzy:  cc

Now, Skuzzy is sweating this.  The last time he lead a bomber group to a HQ, he missed the target and almost got them all killed.

  Skuzzy:  final course correction
  Nomde:  cc
  MaceEAF: cc
  Nomde:  should be seeing the target soon
  Skuzzy:  cc <i hope>
  Nomde:  vis on target
  Skuzzy vis on target <phew>
  MaceEAF: vis on target!

Multiple enemy contacts from A10 were spotted, but the bomber group held its formation and continued for its first pass at the nit HQ.  Frenchy was busy holding off fighters, but there were too many.

  Skuzzy:  Got a con on me 6!
  MaceEAF:  here too!

Skuzzy fights off the con,...while MaceEAF extends S of 10 to the nit city.

  Skuzzy:  Nomde turn to hit the HQ and I will break and follow.
  Nomde: rgr

Skuzzy falls in behind Nomde and they make a second pass.

  Skuzzy:  looks like 2 more eggs oughta do the trick.
  Nomde: cc

Skuzzy makes a quick turn in and drop 2K on the HQ.  What only takes seconds, but seems like hours.....HQ Destroyed.

  Skuzzy: HQ Destroyed!
  Nomde: wtg!
  MaceEAF:  wtg!
  Skuzzy: I got 4 eggs left
  Nomde: I have eggs too
  Skuzzy:  where's the city?
  Nomde: I dunno
  Skuzzy:  Mace,...where's the city?
  MaceEAF:  due S of 10
  Nomde:  i found it,..due N of 10
  Skuzzy:  which one?
  Nomde: wait,..flack factories....I will get those.
  Skuzzy: cc, i will hit city with MaceEAF!

As Skuzzy approaches the city, a con comes up on his 6.  He is too close to the drop to stop, opts to take the hits and drop the eggs.

  Skuzzy:  eggs away!
  Nomde:  I am empty
  Skuzzy: got a con

Skuzzy fires and misses the first burst, but nails the con on the second burst,...but had taken heavy damage....

  Skuzzy:  Nomde?
  <no answer>
  Skuzzy:  MaceEAF?
  <no answer>
  Frenchy:  Skuzzy, still alive?
  Skuzzy: cc,..barely
  Frenchy:  I will cover you as long as I can,...running low on fuel
  Skuzzy: damage tail or left gear, elevators,...oh oh,....i am wounded..
  Frenchy: BAIL SKUZZY!!
  Skuzzy:  NO!...all I wanna do is to get home.
  Tower:  Skuzzy..we are sending up figher cover for you.
  Skuzzy: cc,...I don't think I'm gonna make it,..but I am not gonna die over nit soil.....the sheep stink.

That was the last transmission we received from Skuzzy.  The plane wreckage was found 100 miles from field A2.  He had made it home....

Back at Bish HQ....

  General: Results
  Colonel: 50% city destroyed, 32% factories destroyed,..HQ destroyed.
  General: Damn fine job.  Casualties?
  Colonel: We lost 3 bomber pilots and their planes.
  General: Damn fine men.
  Colonel: Yes sir,..I will write.....
  General: Colonel,..I will write these letters.
  Colonel: Yes sir.
  General: Dismissed. 
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 05:38:52 AM by Skuzzy »
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Westy

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The Great HQ raids
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2000, 11:17:00 AM »
 wow wOw WOW!   This is the best after action report I've ever read here    Bravo! Bravo!
  Skuzzy. I'm saving this. It was pure enjoyment reading about your "bimber group" and thes mission!

 I wish I could write!  - let alone spell "werds" correclty half the time  


Offline NHMadmax

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2000, 11:27:00 AM »
Great Read keep us up to date


[This message has been edited by NHMadmax (edited 10-27-2000).]

Offline Skuzzy

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The Great HQ raids
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2000, 12:45:00 PM »
Thanks guys.  I almost did not post this.  I thought it might be just too long for most to read.

Glad you liked it.

Roy "Skuzzy" Neese
President, AppLink Corp.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline NUTTZ

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The Great HQ raids
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2000, 01:29:00 PM »
LOL, fun read Skuzzy, Heck if people think it's too long they don't have to read it.

Keep posting, it's a good repreive from the "other" topics.


Offline Hamish

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« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2000, 01:34:00 PM »
 enjoyed the hell out of it Skuzzy, Thx!



<===<The ASSASSINS>===>

Offline NHFoxtro

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« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2000, 01:39:00 PM »
I enjoyed it to. thanks

NightHawks "WE BAD"

[This message has been edited by NHFoxtro (edited 10-27-2000).]

Offline SOB

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The Great HQ raids
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2000, 01:43:00 PM »
Damn entertaining reading...thx Skuzzy!
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

LJK Raubvogel

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The Great HQ raids
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2000, 01:56:00 PM »
Great story  


Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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The Great HQ raids
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2000, 02:40:00 PM »
Hehehe great fun story Skuzzy  

Was fun fight too, I was impressed I could cover u guys so long. Those 2 Nikis winging each other at 27K were a pain, but I could bother them enought till you guys could drop all your bombs. I got a F4C ( go P47!), Niki bugged out after a while. OTW back, I engaged a 109-G10 (could fly close enought to ID him  ), it was just to help you go away as he was a bogey in your dead 6 (and mine too).

I smoked him but I ran out of fuel, I ended the fight gliding, he didn't noticed that as at 5K he dove away and ran as I ditched safely in eni territory. (BTW I forgot the phone number of the sexy knit cutie  )

Hey, was I the only survivor? Oups, does that qualifies me as a war hero or something?
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Swager

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The Great HQ raids
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2000, 03:01:00 PM »
I was first con ya ran into!  
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline BUG_EAF322

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The Great HQ raids
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2000, 04:00:00 PM »
It looked geat 3 bombers in formation
before i went RTB i got 2 me 109's they where going for the formation glad u never noticed it  .

Offline Skuzzy

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« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2000, 04:08:00 PM »
Congrats BUG.  I missed those kills.  WTG!

Swager,..I felt for the position you were in. 3 buffs, with figter cover,...and you all alone.  Man,..that had to be tough.

Roy "Skuzzy" Neese
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Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline milnko

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« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2000, 04:31:00 PM »
And on the other side of the map located deep underground The KNIT HQ;
Our Rook listening devices picked up this conversation between Zigrat and his aide-de-camp:Tonight?


When I wanna say this; I throw a <S> instead!
CyberPilots have bigger Joysticks


Offline BUG_EAF322

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« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2000, 04:55:00 PM »
It was nice too see my squad mate Mace in his trial period flying bomber in formation.

And doing great bombing i hope u get hooked like me mace  

Nice Story Skuzzi <S>