As of this posting, I am a squadron of one. Why?
I believe the best squad is one that is like-minded in its goals.
Building a squad from scratch seems the best way of ensuring success even if it takes several months.
LETALITY Squad Goals:#1
“Get in, Get Even, Get Out.”#2
“Win the War.” (This means Base captures)
Membership Requirements:-Maintain a >1:1 K/D in Air to Air engagements. A 1:1 K/D is not average, it is an accomplishment. In AH as in real life, the vast majority of pilots are targets for a skilled minority. Simply keeping a 1:1 puts you in the minority of players.
-Land >25% of your sorties. The goal of every LETALITY member is to land 100% of the time with multiple kills. If you can’t manage 25%, you are probably not trying.
*NOTE: If you are brand-new to the game exceptions can be made. The learning curve in AH can be steep and being part of a squad can decrease the “suck factor” of learning.
-There is no age limit.
-There are no set squad times.
-No Profanity. It takes more effort to key the mic and swear than it takes to swear without the mic. This is still a game and it would be great for all if family members can walk by our computers without hearing a string of expletives.
-Treat others with the respect due.
-In short, try to be a gentleman (that kicks excessive amounts of butt).
-Don’t care about score. LETALITY cares about stats (K/D) and winning the war, not looking good in rank. Our goal is to have a collective prestige that outweighs a single member achieving superstar status.
-Be open to going to the training arena once in a long while. From time to time we will attempt to work out standard operating procedures (SOPs) so we can be more efficient and best use individuals according to specialty. If we royally dork up a mission or find our capture success rate dropping, we will go to the TA to practice for a few minutes in a controlled environment. This might suck from time to time but it is what will separate LETALITY from mob tactics.
Aircraft:Members don’t have to fly a specific aircraft at any time but officially our fighter will be the F6F. Why? First, All-American versatility at its best. Second, ease of use. The Hellcat is stable with excellent handling throughout the flight envelope. Third, limitations. The F6F is middle of the pack in most performance categories in the overall AH planeset and thus at a disadvantage against the standard MA opposition of 51s, Spixteens, La7s, and 109K4s. Our successes should be dependent on efficient tactics, not an uber ride. The F6F’s poor 6 view is a reminder to every LETALITY SQUAD member not only to check his buddy’s 6 but a reminder that his buddy is doing the same for him.
ROE:-Fly smart. Survive first, Kill second. If you are the kind of player that will continue an engagement after bingo to pad your kills per hour, this is not the squad for you. This is the squad where two will up, perhaps score as little as one kill, both come home and the mission is still considered a marginal success.
-Since the initial cadre will be closest to my original intent for the squad, these individuals can expect full invite privileges.
-Take pride in the fact our mission execution will be above and beyond the community standard.
-Never apologize for killing someone if the kill meets the criteria of LOAC (Law of Armed Conflict) This means you can kill someone on takeoff roll and not apologize. Right now in Aces High there is an expectation that you will suspend hostilities until they have gained enough altitude to have a reasonable chance of survival (IE killing you). This thinking makes for a more interesting game, keeps uppers from getting ornery and pads stats but it is not required. If you are at their base to win the war, win the war. Vulchees that die and whine are individuals who expect everyone else to yield to their need for immediate gratification. Try to maintain courtesy at all times. If the attacks go personal, let your squaddies defend you first, then go in yourself. “Gentleman” does not equate to “punching bag on 200.”
Never whine when they make the kill. You took your aircraft to the point in space where he was able to kill you, not him, regardless of how cheap you thought it was. If you can kill using LOAC criteria, so can they- we can’t have it both ways.
About me: Active Duty Air Force, married with three children. I dabble in real estate, writing books and flight sims. I have played AH intermittently between deployments and TDYs over the last 4yrs. Currently finishing a Masters in Military Studies with a concentration in Strategic Airpower through American Military University.
About the Squad Name:One of the DVs to visit my ROTC detachment was a 3-Star. He started asking us cadets what set us apart from other professions. The discussion settled on the power to make life and death decisions. He then asked us what set us apart from a cop on the street. I bit and made the case (approaching the question from a philosophical view) that there was no difference. The Air Force pilot and the police officer both have the power of life and death and wether by bullet or bombs their decisions have no functional difference to the person being killed. His response (a pragmatic viewpoint) was that it was LETALITY! The Air Force pilot or missileer can level entire cities. Same effect, different scope. I think he hit on the crux of what sets airpower apart, which was cool. He also had a tendency (animated black man) to leave the H out of “lethality” which also had a cool effect. This was the inspiration for my Handle/Squad name.
If interested in Joining:PM. Or if in-game: Letalis