My question is directed to the development team.Will the new H2H system have a way for players
to see what servers are available, what settings they are using, as well as a stat/log system and allowing for 24/7 arena up time, allowing over 32 players in the future?? is any of this in development at this time? The custom arenas are a nice I feel more would use them and it would be much more successful if a host could build a following to his arena hopfully allowing over 32 players... by being allowed tools that would give him the ability to score scenarios or record a players achievements. Or a particular county's strategic success etc.
Personally I think allowing the custom arenas to take on a life of there own and allow players to keep them up 24/7 would be a great way to bring more customers into AH as the freedom to run set ups and scenarios would be enticing much like we see with hyperlobby..
The host in hyperloby are running 24/7 arenas were players can see a list of all of the servers and their settings along with who is playing it what custom arena.. If we had that set up here AH would have a huge residual income customer base as folks would start to glob on as the have with hyperloby.. See this link if your not familiar with hyperloby..
As I'm sure your aware, Hyper lobby a popular server interface for several flight sims displays available servers and their settings.
HyperLobby flight sim online gaming system animation:

Sims available on Hyperloby:

Available server list for il2, a very popular sim with European players. Considering the new deal with ice burg would be wise to make servers settings VISABLE as well as make all H2H servers .?
Hyper lobby displays server settings when you drill down into a server. Is the H2H dev team working on something similar? :