Here in central Canada, I have a cable 250 mbit down 20 mbit up, and a fiber/fios/whatever through Infinet that is 260 down 30 up standard. For 10$ Canadian per month (8 US or so) they double my upload to 60mbit, it's still available on their page too, pretty standard deal. The one through the phone company/fiber has never tested less than rated speed for me, up or down, so long as the test server can handle it. 60mbit up, I usually see 7 to 9 megaBYTES upload speed, which is in fact a bit faster than what they rated it for.
Same with my cable on the downside at least, I've seen 33 megabytes down when it should only by around 31 with the bit/byte conversion and their rated 250mbit max speed on the contract.
What vexes me is how some Euros in the Northern Euro countries here have even faster speeds than I get, all through wireless apparently, and for cheap rates too. For my fiber connex I pay 120$ after bundle discounts, say 85 ish USD per month right now, with no bandwidth cap, and I've done 1300gb before and they didn't say a peep, although I'm usually less than that. Cable company has an 800gb cap, but they don't whine until you hit around 1500 or so from what I've seen and heard.
Chalenge, I do have such a thing, I'll find it and link it later it's on another PC - it shows all the "Great" areas in the USA to get the fastest bandwidth, including the test areas for Google and other companies using that 1gb stuff and whatnot.