Author Topic: Ostwind as AA gun  (Read 726 times)

Offline fabkebab

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Ostwind as AA gun
« on: October 22, 2003, 06:24:12 AM »
Does anyone here have some tips on how to use an ostwind to fight off planes from a field?

I have seen some people use them very effectively, with many kills, but I seem unable to judge the aim right at all- even when a plane is heading straight for me.

Are the bullets fast or slow moving? how much "lead" should I use on an enemy flying accross my field of fire?

I am quite effective with the little american flak (m16?) but cant hit anything with the Ostwind...

any pointers?


Offline gofaster

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2003, 07:57:33 AM »
The Ostwind fires a very heavy shell and the shell will lose its velocity and start to drop off around d1.5 or so.  Even at closer ranges, its not very accurate and will skip to the left or right a little bit.  It helps to have the tracer effect turned on when firing the Ostwind shells (remember to uncheck "No Tracers" before you leave the hangar).  If you happen to be in the air and see an Ostwind firing at long range at another plane, you'll see the "garden hose" effect of the shells as they lose their momentum and drop down.

On the other hand, the M16 has a greater rate of fire and is accurate to around d1.3 or so.  The downside is that it takes more hits to kill its target and isn't as well armoured as the Ostwind.

Offline Blank

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2003, 09:43:47 AM »
helpful tip for ostie:

set up views as follows:

for each view push 'page up' to raise head and hit f10 to save.

now for the sight what I do is this:

I push hat switch forward and push 'page up' untell i'm looking over the sight so I have a clear screen and hit f10 to save.

when i get in the ostie I put mouse point on middle of sight and I'm off.

I can shoot through the sight or if I push forward on hat switch look over it and use mouse pointer as the sight (easyier to lead the target like this).

The raised head positions in other view help with SA.

Have fun :D

Offline Kweassa

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2003, 10:43:50 AM »
There are crackshots  and there are bad shots, but frankly, shooting down something outside of 1500 yards in AH, with the Ostwind, is more or less luck.

 It's simply and undeniably rests on the "spray as much lead as you can into the air, and hope something hits" basis. Learning to lead the aiming reticle does help, but even if the lead is good, you have to pray that the enemy plane doesn't fly in between the wall of tracers, since the firing rate is so slow.

 Usually, the only time Osties ever shoot down something besides out of luck, is when an enemy jabo heads straight towards it, lobbing rockets and bombs. It usually kills both of the antagonists, the Ostie knocking off a wing or fuselage, and the plane vaporizing the flak wagon.

 The real value of Osties in field defense, is that it's a psychological weapon.

 When multiple Osties are scattered round the field, even the most daring pilot hesitates to attack that field. Unless the enemies come in with a humongous suicidal numbers advantage, usually they will choose to stay away from the field, which gives some valuable time for defending fighters to up and organize a quick defense.

 And if the attackers decide to clean the field up and really suppress the field, the Osties make sure it drags a lot of attacking planes to the tomb - inevitably making the attacking force weaker. (That's because the furball stupidity usually prevents the attackers from bringing ordnance.)

Offline Furious

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2003, 12:12:53 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
... (That's because the furball stupidity usually prevents the attackers from bringing ordnance.)

You said furball stupidity.  heheheh.

Offline Tarmac

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2003, 12:19:30 PM »
I also use the ostwind gunsight found on the HTC gunsite page.

I use ostwind2, the flat one, not the round one.  

Don't expect to hit in an osty like you do in an m16 though.  With an M16, you can spray around the sky until you get a ping or two, then adjust to get a steady stream on the target.  In an osty, your first hit will usually be all it takes, and the slow firing gun makes it difficult to "walk the gun" onto the target.  

The only time you'll get kills with any reliability is when the con is actually attacking you.  The rest of the time, varying amounts of luck are involved.

Offline Flit

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2003, 09:54:36 PM »
acually, it's not that hard to get kills in a ostie.
 I regularly kill stuff 2k out with crossing shots.
 I have set all my views up as far as they will go, but the key is the zoom level.(lol i should'nt share this but I will )
 I set my zoom so that at 2k the shell is just on the edge of the screen if i'm pulling a deflection shot
 That way all I to do is pull lead till the shells get on the side of the screen the same time as the con
Takes practice, but now, if I'm havin a good night, i pretty consistently hit within the first 5 shots on a 2k or less 90 degree deflection shot.
 if ther'er coming at me, I start shooting at 3.5k and aim a touch hi
 I'll try to remember to turn on the camera next time I go out in one and post some film

Offline fabkebab

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2003, 02:17:01 PM »
What a brilliant reply Flit -

 That was exactly the sort of trick that I was hoping for - not that I know anything about zoom controls though.

One question about your method - How do you know when a shell is 2k away from you, so that you can calibrate your guns for the deflection?

Thanks to all the other people who posted replies too!!

Offline Flit

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« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2003, 09:13:32 PM »
adjust the zoom as your....lets see , how did I do that?
I Think I ah, thats right.If you zoom in till your at the first gunshield,with your view  all the way up, I think thats about right.
  then its a matter of practice
also, when there're more then 1.5 and going away. fire where they'll be in 3-4 seconds
Good luck
BTW zoom is z, then the [ ] keys to increase or decrease the zoom level

Offline YUCCA

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2003, 12:03:43 AM »
Good tips.  I'll have to try it sometime.

Offline Tarmac

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2003, 12:27:13 AM »
Originally posted by Flit
acually, it's not that hard to get kills in a ostie.
 I regularly kill stuff 2k out with crossing shots.
 I have set all my views up as far as they will go, but the key is the zoom level.(lol i should'nt share this but I will )
 I set my zoom so that at 2k the shell is just on the edge of the screen if i'm pulling a deflection shot
 That way all I to do is pull lead till the shells get on the side of the screen the same time as the con
Takes practice, but now, if I'm havin a good night, i pretty consistently hit within the first 5 shots on a 2k or less 90 degree deflection shot.
 if ther'er coming at me, I start shooting at 3.5k and aim a touch hi
 I'll try to remember to turn on the camera next time I go out in one and post some film

Your plan doesn't take into account speed of the target in 90 degree crossing shots.  Faster target is going to take more lead.  It's not going to be a constant zoom amount.

Offline Soda

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2003, 09:23:21 AM »
Another thing you can do to get a feel for using the Ostwind is to go offline and shoot at the drones.  Record yourself firing at them and then watch the video from the drones perspective and see where your rounds are passing.  You can also use the padlock mode to show your "calculated" aim-point although I have found that it is actually quite incorrect and only about half the lead you actually require.  Even on a target like a drone at D1.0 and 200mph you will typically find you need much more lead than you thought you did.

You can do the same thing in the TA, find someone who will act as drone for you and fly different profiles so you can shoot at them for a couple of minutes.  They can tell you where they see your rounds going and you can get a feeling for where to adjust based on their comments.

Most people who use the Ostwind vastly underestimate their lead on a crossing target.  The gunsight is absolutely ineffective in crossing shots as the field of view it offers is not even close to what is actually required.  Use the mouse pointer as suggested earlier in the thread as your aim point and then set your head posiiton as high as you can and shoot much further out infront of the enemy aircraft than you think you need to, that will typically make you much more accurate.

Offline Flit

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Ostwind as AA gun
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2003, 10:30:23 AM »
I take most of my shot as as they are diving in on the first pass-most of them are probably within 50 knots of each other
also, keep in mind that this is to get you close for the first burst, then you can adjust from there.
 it they are slower, ya don't lead them as much
different angle (say 45 instead of 90 )ya don't lead as much, in this case my lead would be half
it's all about "kentucky windage" and the ability to guess which way they turn
 Practice practice practice, there is no instant line 'em up and hit them automatic on the first shot setup