Originally posted by Kieran
Now... the Bible is very specific about homosexuality, and it is in no way a gray area. "Abomination" is the word used. That sounds pretty bad to me, and no one has yet shown me anything to suggest God has changed His mind about it.
So... this priest is openly gay, which in effect means he is openly rebelling against God. No way around it, that is not a leader in God's church.
Bible also says an eye-for-an-eye and the wages of sin is death...
So all sinners should be put to death??
Then the bible says thou shalt not kill.... contradiction?
There's the Old testiment and there's the New testiment...
Old tesitmant is full of hate, revenge, punishment...
And the new testiment talks about turning the other cheek... loving thy enemy...
Mary Magdeline was a prostitute... and Jesus wased her feet....
What was that message about? Forgiveness... perhaps.
The hypocracy are christians who say they love each other and everyone else... yet... they can't even love their enemy...
Which of the verses in the Bible more important?
Gays are an abominantion or love thy enemy... love thy neighbor?
What is God about? Hate or Love?
Listen to the christians and he's all about hate...
All you hear from Jerry F, Pat B, Pat R are the things to HATE in the world... Gays... non-christians... muslims... abortion...science (stem cell research)..
And who ever said god was a "HE"?