Couple things:
1) You'll have maybe 6-8 on the first day and then no-one in the CT for the rest of the week. If you want to run this make it a weekend only setup and return to day ops (8th AF) on monday.
2) The B26 is so much more capable than a Wellington that it's just not funny. Try a Boston instead. Although I did think Wellingtons were withdrawn from front line service by 1943 anyway.
3) What no 109s?
4) This statement:
"No full friendly radar so you would have to make sure who your shooting at. Radar would be FULL ENEMY to represent radar intercept. "
You're saying friendly radar off and enemy radar as full on?, you'll know the exact (dot) position of every enemy aircraft in the arena and none of the locations of your own? And what's this:
"You could guide your aircraft to the vacinity of the bombers but then you would have to find them."
Er, no you wouldn't, you'd have dot dar to guide you in exactly.
I'd go with full friendly dot dar and full enemy BARDAR, dot dar only within a tower based radar range of, say, 20 miles.
5) How do you turn icons off completely cos the SEA CMs have been wanting this setting for years?
6) I've just been reading "Bomber Command" by Max somebodyorother and have to say that until HTC models Gee, Oboe, H2S, Window, target flare markers, air markers, wind drift of air markers, searchlights, infernos visible from the air and decoy fires laid by the Germans.........the above setup would be like standing in a paddling pool while trying to pretend you're swimming the Atlantic.
But it could be a giggle for a couple days. Wouldn't really want to fly this for a week though.