Hiya Witch

I 100% agree with you. When designing an event that has "bombers" as a crucial part the focus should be on area bombing. Maybe if and when HT gets the ai done for AH2:ToD he will allow the cms to use the ai script to supplement bomber numbers in the events. Bombers aren't a big draw especially with the difficulty some folks have with the calibration.
If targets are laid out with "area" bombing (like in big week) in mind we may see bomber numbers increase. This also could mean tighter formations.
For instance each bomber group may have 1 or 2 guys who are really proficient with the calibration. If the rest of his flight flies tight they can drop "on lead". Of course they would need to practice to avoid "creep back" where the follow up bombers sequentially drop short. But it adds an element of immersion.
There are other aircraft in the AH plane set better utilized for pinpoint bombing. Bombers should fly high (not to high

), in formation and area bomb their targets. This allows better escort techniques and the bombers are better able to defend themselves. With individual buildings formations get spread out as individual pilots attempt to get a line and calibrate for their specific building. It’s during these times that the bombers are easily shot down.
With better targets, better survivability and more immersion we may be able to get more bomber guys involved in scenarios.
The types of targets and their lay out are important.
ps are you gonna Co this one? We need a tie breaker

Just kidding! I have been retired any way
About the spits and typh I have np with them being included but could they fly all the way to the Ruhr Valley?