Author Topic: Perk the La7  (Read 11520 times)

Offline milnko

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Perk the La7
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2001, 09:31:00 PM »
Perk the Nipples   :D

I love BOTs (Big o TTs) :eek:

Offline Octavius

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Perk the La7
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2001, 12:32:00 AM »
Originally posted by Citabria:
if i flew the La7 i would never get shot down

Cit if you flew a garbage bag with wings you wouldn't get shot down.

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Offline Octavius

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Perk the La7
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2001, 12:33:00 AM »
roar double post, sorry

[ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Octavius ]
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Offline straffo

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Perk the La7
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2001, 02:21:00 AM »
Originally posted by MANDOBLE:
Ok, lets go, my EXPENSIVE (all above Ta152) perk plane list:
1 - Yak9U
2 - La7
3 - SpitIX (over nikki cause hispanos)
4 - Nikki

All the above excels in, at least, four of the next five categories: top speed (lo/med/alt), climb, fast speed control, weapons and turning.

Perk the P51? why? it only can run (average turner but poor acceleration). Same aplicable to D9 (can run, but cant turn, poor puch power and gunnery) and 109G10 (can run but cant move when running).

For those of you thinking La7 is good only up to 10k, you are really really wrong, La7 is more than a capable fighter up to 20k.

I'm sorry to say that but it looks like you are loosing common sense and self control.

P51 G10 and D9 could be perked not because of their capability but because they can dictate the fight and it's half the victory.

PS you forgot to perk the Typhoon 4 hispanos !!! and run like hell at low level.


  • Parolee
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Perk the La7
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2001, 04:10:00 AM »
straffo, you are right, lately I'm loosing any kind of self control, mostly courtesy of Wulfe  ;)

About faster planes dictating fights, well, if you only consider the horizontal plane, ok, but if you see the the vertical plane as a valid one you'll find you are wrong. Just imagine a P51 and a SpitIX, separation 5000 yards, both same alt, same speed and HO.  
The P51 can "dictate" the fight diving and speeding up while the SpitIX WILL DICTATE the fight climbing (Spit outclimbs any kind of P51). Now tell me what can do the P51 against the Spit except fleeing. P51 will be simply unable to catch the spit in the vertical while the spit will be unable to catch the P51 in the horizontal (after a dive).

Wulfe, I suppose we both are talking about AH Spit IX, faster than 190A5/A8/F8 at med and hi alts. SpitIX outclimbs them all at any alt, outturns them all, outgun them all, and outdives them at the initial stages of a dive. Also, starting from same speed, SpitIX outzooms any 190 (D9 included).

SpitIX (WEP OFF) has better performance than any Luftwaffe plane (WEP OFF also). Using WEP, only G10 and D9 have an edge over spit in horizontal top speed and substained climb, but WEP does not still forever.

Sincerelly, if you think SpitIX is a slow plane, you are wrong, unless you talk only about sea level runs. And about SpitIX loosing E like any other plane... ...well... no comments.

The fact that most of the spits are flown the wrong way does not mean Spit is a poor fighter (same for N1K2J).

Offline Cobra

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Perk the La7
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2001, 07:38:00 AM »
Someone seriously put a 1943 plane on a perk list??


Offline AKSWulfe

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Perk the La7
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2001, 07:38:00 AM »
You know, I've never had problems with escaping a SpitIX in a 190A5.

So if you are going to sit there and tell me that it needs to be perked because it does all of those things better than you can get your plane to do it, then I'm going to say that you've completely lost your mind and your ability to compete in this arena.

Maybe it's time for you to move on, maybe it's time for you to jump out of those LuftWaffle planes and give the SpitIX a shot for a tour so you can better understand it's strenghts and weaknesses.

SpitIXs prove to be nothing more than a nuisance to me, I was being outrun by 190A5s last night in the SpitIX at sea level... so don't gimme that schviel "it'll outrun anything at low alt"

Purely BS, you've completely lost it and gone overboard.

This is getting beyond weak and annoying, you guys need to give it a rest and learn the plane's strengths and weaknesses vs what you fly... until then I'm going to keep on coming back and throwing it in your face.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2001, 07:44:00 AM »
Sincerelly, if you think SpitIX is a slow plane, you are wrong, unless you talk only about sea level runs. And about SpitIX loosing E like any other plane... ...well... no comments.

A plane being 2 mph faster at 20k means absolutely nothing in AH.  Nobody travels level at 20k and waits for a plane to catch him.  Sea level is all that matters.

The spit IX is a middle of the road plane for top speed.  It is a pretty good turner.  It has decent guns.  But it is an average plane.  I've never seen a spit that I couldn't extend from.

The planes that I see being able to dictate fights are P-51s, Doras, G-10s, Perkies, La-7s and N1Ks.  All of them are quite killable, but all of them have the ability to escape.  Most of them do it on the deck, except for the G-10 wich does it in the climb.  I seriously doubt that any of these planes has a k/d of less than 1 against a spit of any type.


Offline rosco-

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Perk the La7
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2001, 08:01:00 AM »
Perk the spit...thats funny.
 Top of the list for the next perk plane is the dora.


Offline straffo

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Perk the La7
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2001, 08:02:00 AM »
Originally posted by MANDOBLE:
This is not an organized air war, this is a  furball oriented MA.

Well ... this is the definition of the MA : Furbal player mixed with Strat player and lot of sub-variants  :)

We have events for a closer simulation of reality.

And about what SpitLead said : why should we perk a plane when it's just a problem of bad SA/ACM ?

Frankly I've switched to the P51 from tiffy since 2 weeks and the LA7 is a target like other I just don't use the 51 like the Tiffy as obviouly it would fail.
And I still don't die because of my opponent UBER plane but because I love putting myself in deep "poo poo" (with great success  :D) even knowing it's stupid ... I'm a furball dweeb .

I think your emphasis on EXPENSIVE is wrong and you can add the D9 and G10 to the list provided they are flown the right way.

Just imagine a P51 and a SpitIX, separation 5000 yards, both same alt, same speed and HO.
The P51 can "dictate" the fight diving and speeding up while the SpitIX WILL DICTATE the fight climbing (Spit outclimbs any kind of P51). Now tell me what can do the P51 against the Spit except fleeing. P51 will be simply unable to catch the spit in the vertical while the spit will be unable to catch the P51 in the horizontal (after a dive).
In this case I will carefully avoid any fire solution for the spit and wait until he run out of fuel  :D

The fact that most of the spits are flown the wrong way does not mean Spit is a poor fighter (same for N1K2J).
You got it right !
Both are great fighter nothing wrong.

After lot of post we can go to the final conclusion : It's not the plane it's the pilot  ;) muahaha  :D

Offline Vermillion

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Perk the La7
« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2001, 09:21:00 AM »
The La7 outturns a N1K2? LOL! you gotta be kidding, delusional, or on really good drugs.

Go do a sustained turn test for these planes and then compare them. The La7 is not a good turner. Good instantaneous turns at speeds, but it bleeds E like a stuck pig. In fact its sustained turn rates are similar to planes like the P-51.

Sustained turn test: take an aircraft up to about 5k, and get it to its sustained turning speed (around 180mph for most planes, but a good place to start) then start a stopwatch and do a 360 degree turn, without gaining or lossing any altitude. Divide 360/# of secs, to get degree's per second. You will quickly see that the La7 is not a turn fighter in the least. Oh and film your tests if you are gonna use the test as proof on the BBS.

Any Spit, N1K2, Zeke, Maachi, early 109's Ki61, all the turning planes will eat a La7 alive in a turn fight.

Yes the La7 can escape at will on the deck because of its good acceleration and SL speed. But there will always be a "fastest" plane out there that can do it.

Perk the La7? Let me guess, you just got toasted by a La7 in the arena.  :)

Offline Westy MOL

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Perk the La7
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2001, 09:28:00 AM »
lol. What Toad said about 5 or 6 posts up.   :)


[ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Westy MOL ]

Offline fd ski

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Perk the La7
« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2001, 10:19:00 AM »
Just wait till spit 14 shows...

If you're in a dora and spit is discating a fight for you, then you really screwed up...

Speed wise, all 190s will outrun spit at all alts up to 20k no problem. Over 20k dora will smoke it.

Climbwise, last i checked 190A5 climbs better as per HTC charts ( which in itself is rather curious, not that 190s were ever known for their climb )


  • Parolee
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Perk the La7
« Reply #43 on: June 26, 2001, 10:24:00 AM »
straffo, I used the word EXPENSIVE because Ta152 is also expensive and, IMO, any plane in my list is much more competent in our arena than the Ta.

Wulfe, conclusions based on things like "yersterday my spit was outrunned by a 190A5 at lo level, so 190A5 is faster than spit" are really funny. Things like fuel load, ammo load, etc also count here, you know?

If you really want to throw to my face my comments, do it with facts, not with the weakest experience comments, lets go to the TA and do some comparative tests.

I insist, I dont know witch is the HTC criteria to perk the planes. year? usage? top speed? overal performance? But a lot of people are asking to perk, for example, the nikki and I cant find any real advantage of the nikki over the SpitIX, can you?

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #44 on: June 26, 2001, 10:30:00 AM »
There are several advantages the N1K2 has over the SpitIX, but that's niether here nor there because I do NOT think EITHER should be perked at all!!!

I'm not doing a "well yesterday I outflew it, but today I can't".. I'm saying "Yesterday I outflew it, today I will outfly it, and tommorrow I will be outflying it!"

Don't jump on the bandwagon just for the sake of being on the bandwagon.