I finally got online and have been having lots of fun.. umm...getting my butt shot off.
I could use a little help in the training dept. I used to fly AW RR (never FR) this is a whole different ballgame. At any rate it still seems that some guys are turning on a dime and I black out or end up not being able to pull up fast enough and hit the dirt. Any advice other than to hang up my wings?
I have lots of other questions too but I'm sure I will learn with experience and won't bore you with them here. For now I would just like to know some tips on combat and the best turning plains and speed planes etc. How to set up my JS , etc.
I tried the training arena and no one was of much help there. One guy asked me if he could join me while I was flying but I couldn't use my vox then so he wasn't much help. It would help greatly if I could fly with an experienced pilot a few time and just watch and learn. Is that possible and how would I go about doing that?
Sorry so long. Any help would be appreciated but I would also understand if you would rather be up flying and shooting this greenhorn down rather than answering a bunch of newby questions. In the mean time I will be up going for broke, getting my butt shot off while learning as quickly as possible. I believe in the "total immersion theory" lol
Thanks again and glad to be aboard.
If there are any 555s from AW here, I was RM555 and joined up with the 555s just before the end of AW. (Snoopy was da best)