Author Topic: OSTIE "dispersion"  (Read 1923 times)

Offline rosco-

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OSTIE "dispersion"
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2001, 11:27:00 AM »
Let me put it another way. Getting rid of the ostie would have been my first choice. Making it so totally usless that nobody drives one anymore is a good comprimise IMO


Offline Citabria

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OSTIE "dispersion"
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2001, 12:15:00 PM »
p38 isnt very large from front or rear view
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Kingonads

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OSTIE "dispersion"
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2001, 03:05:00 PM »
Now Government Idiot Jeff, If U want to resort to name calling with Klingonads then I will call names but thats not my point.  U dont have to get all defensive when someone makes a valid point now I do agree if someone would have put the Ostiwind up to the department of defense they would be.... not shot but congratulated and given a contract to make one of the biggest trash heaps the US Army has ever purcheased,  and boys and girls do U know waht that was..... the M42 with its twin 40mm cannons and its slow rate of fire and its horible dispersion, and its inability to engage fast or even slow moving targets, not to metion its lack of turret armor. Made it a compete flop but, none the less the US bought almost 1000 of them before they realized their fault.  In the time of war the political people buy what is cheap and effective on paper and in test runs.  Oh and did I mention that the M42 was mounted on a M48 chassis yes a 30+ton chassis and it rocked like a teacup in a tornado when it fired, which was one of the key factors in its disperion problems.  Your Ostie ways around 25 tons and fires a single 37mm with a ROF similar to that of the 2X40mm on the M42 so I dont think its dispersion is going to but like a 3 round burst from a M16 and be on target everytime.  Hell even my current weapon the M249 SAW gets pretty squirly after about 5 rounds and thats a 5.56mm or .223cal for U civilians.  So hmmm U R a knowledgeble man Jeff, BUT dont let your temper get the best of U this is the second time U have brought it up they aint going to change it anytime soon and U seem to be the only one crying about it. So let me qoute my 1SGT and say "Suck it up and, Drive on Soldier" .  

                        Hodo  :cool:

Offline Jigster

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OSTIE "dispersion"
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2001, 08:44:00 PM »
There was a reason only 40 something Ostwinds were produced   :D

Look at it this way gijeff, you may of not been able to hit the 38, but his cannon sufferes from the exact same dispersion patterns (as do all other nose mounted guns)  :)

OTOH I've always heard anything heavier then the FV 20mm's on the Pz38 and HT platforms shook like a wet dog when over 50 degrees elevation.

Offline gijeff

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OSTIE "dispersion"
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2001, 10:49:00 PM »
Salute Gents,

Ya know Klingonads, I hadda check just to be sure but I still don't have any idea where you got the idea I was calling you names?  Looking at my posts on this topic I fail to see anything that could be construed as calling anyone names besides meself.  "don't let the blonde hair fool you, I only LOOK this stupid".  

I think they have disimproved the ostwind so much they might as well remove it from the game.  I think it has gotten worse recently than it had previously been, so I posted again.  Funny, thought this board was for just such an occurance, didn't know I needed your approval to post my opinions here.  I also wasn't aware that stating one's opinion was a call to the others to claim, "crying about it".  I see something I disagree with, and I try to get it changed.  Hearing from others in the game with less hutzpah who won't bother to voice their opinions on things they don't like always comes off as "quit whining".  Don't like it, too bad.  I will voice my opinions on the topic whether you like it or not.  

Your ridiculous aspersions that I am "crying about it" fall on deaf ears, grow some balls and state your OWN opinions instead of trolling other people who state theirs.   :rolleyes:

Jeff Waite
aka GIJeff

Offline Kingonads

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OSTIE "dispersion"
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2001, 11:11:00 PM »

K- as in KILO
I- as in INDIA
G- as in GOLF
O- as in OSCAR
A- as in ALPHA
D- as in DELTA
S- as in SIERRA
  Not KLINGONADS,  thats what I interpet as name calling. thank U very much.  

                        Hodo  :mad: