Author Topic: dirty joke  (Read 201 times)

Offline loony1

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dirty joke
« on: November 22, 2003, 07:00:40 PM »
ok heres one for you guys ......A woman is driving her car down a back country road when it breaks down. Leaving the car to look for a phone she finds a farm house sitting way back off the road. Walking to the house she finds two ol' country boys sitting on the porch. Approching them she asks if they have a phone she could use to call a tow truck. They let her use the phone but the tow truck driver tells her that he can't make it till the next day. She then asks the two ol' boys if she could stay there for the night, they agree. Later that night after dinner she tells the two ol' boys that she feels as if she should repay there kindness in some way and mentions having sex with them. of course they agree. She asks them if they have any protection, looking at eachother in puzzlement they shrug and say ,What is that. In reply she tells them, its something you put on so i don't get pregnant. No we dont have anything like that they reply. I think i have some she says, reaching in her purse and pulling some condoms out and handing them to the two ol' boys. So, they have sex. Next day the woman leaves. never to be seen again.....Bout two weeks latter the two ol' boys are sitting on there porch again, one looks at the other and says... Hey you remember that woman that was here awhile back. Yep, the other replys. Do you give a dam whether she gets pregnant or not. Nope was the reply. WELL LET'S TAKE THESE DAM THINGS OFF THEN:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Loony2 Of "The Iron Saints"