Author Topic: Aces High... On the move  (Read 369 times)

Offline Kegger26

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Aces High... On the move
« on: December 12, 2003, 11:03:25 AM »
I just thought I would take the time to share an aces high exp I just had. I was stuck at BWI airport last week, I live about 45 mins away from BWI, but the roads were really bad, and even my girlfriend the great winter driver she is (she is from canada) wouldnt even try to come pick me up. So the weather was pretty bad. The skies were somewhat clear but there was lots of snow and even more ice.
 So what is an AH junky who needs a fix to do? I settled down with my lap top, my Wi-Fi card installed I connected to a WISE server and in a matter of seconds I was connected, I have AH installed on my comp, so I got to thinking.......I wonder. I tired and it worked!, I was in the server.
 I didnt have a joystick with me, but it wasnt that hard learning to fly using the mouse. I popped in my headphones, and I was ready to go. I did have a mic, but I didnt want to freak out the ppl around the area with phrases such as "roger that" and "can I get a radio check"
 I spent four hours playing up in the observation gallery, it was really comfy, I was sitting in a nice comfy chair and a table in front of me, and on the long boring flights to the fight, I was able to look up and admire the Southwest 737-800 (winglets) in front of me sitting on the tarmac.
 Now there was a cost, I signed up for a as used billing deal, so when ever I log on to the Wi-Fi server it charges me seven dollars for that 24 hour period, so I can logg on and off as much as I want for 24 hours, after my 24 hours are up, and I logg on again with my user name and password it charges me another seven dollars, I played AH for a total of 12 hours while I was waiting at diffrent airports, and the total cost was just 14$ that is becuase I logged once past my first 24 hour use. There are better accounts out there, but I dont travle that much so this was more cost effective for me. Also I kept a pretty constant 12MBS connection speed while I was logged on.
 I am sure I am not the first person here to do this, but I figured I would share it with you anyways. I think this might be the best way to wait for a plane.

Offline Scrap

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Aces High... On the move
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2003, 11:53:21 AM »
Wow!  Good looking out Kegger!  I'll have to remember that for my trip to Mexico this spring.