Author Topic: Suggestions for Beta5/OL  (Read 233 times)

Offline Kweassa

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Suggestions for Beta5/OL
« on: December 03, 2003, 12:36:17 AM »
Here are some suggestions :)

1) The sun effects are good. Could be better, but it's still good. However, it's tactical use is still too limited because of the icons. Besides from being an obnoxious phenomenon(but a good phenomenon ;) ), and helping a bit in avoiding enemy fire by directly flying into the sun, it's pretty limited.

Suggestion: Fade the icons according to the intensity of sunlight.

2) I'm sure this will be looked into, but the tail wheel effects on some planes look like a bit overdone. The Spitfire MkIX and the P-51D, is almost unuseable to newbies. It took countless efforts until I finally realized the method to up those planes. I like the challenge of take-offs and landings, but maybe it can be looked into a bit.

Suggestion: Bring a lock-tail wheel option, which would reduce the wobbling yaw effect, so the take-offs and landings are still much harder than in AH1, but just a bit more easier than now. Or, reduce the effect of the tailwheel in some planes, just a little bit.

3) Tracers! I simply loved how the Beta3 tracers looked. The white shells flying through the air presented clear visibility of tracer path, and also looked cool.

Suggestion: Bring back Beta3 tracers!

4) The Bf109G-10 - I can understand the sever torque at low speeds. But the roll rate at low-mid speeds being slower than our AH1 Bf109E-4?? I like how the plane keeps slipping to one side due to torque, during verticals. I like the challenge it presents during take-offs and landings. However, its effects on the roll rate is so great, that I can't maneuver at all at low-mid speed ranges. I mean, now, the G-10 rolls actually better at near 400mph speed, than at 250mph! Wasn't that supposed to be the opposite? With the low-mid roll speeds being adequate and responsive, but getting more sluggish with speed??

Suggestion: I know it's still not the fine-tuning phase for FMs, but consider looking into it any time soon.

Friendly suggestions. :) Feel free to post more comments and suggestions about Beta5, folks.