Author Topic: Spawn damage (beta-6)  (Read 867 times)

Offline Cooley

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« on: December 09, 2003, 04:47:04 PM »
If there is a friendly plane on Runway Spawn, and I spawn my SpitV on top of him ,,, Immediately lose my engine
Cooleyof 367th

Offline Coolridr

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2003, 05:39:18 PM »
I concur...took me 5 times to figure it the bent prop blades though

Offline Cobra412

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2003, 12:37:22 AM »
I wonder if they are going to leave the friendly damage on.  For me I don't mind one bit if they do.  I do have a suggestion though to keep from getting the spawn damage.  

I'm not sure if the spawns are similiar in AH as they are in some multiplayer games.  I know in the Delta Force Series you could do multiple spawns and the majority of the time keep from landing on the next guy spawning.  I wonder if it would be possible to stagger spawns on the runways and gv areas so they don't spawn on eachother.  

Also it'd be nice if they do that to have lets say 8 hit areas on either ends of the runways so when folks spawn they are already staggered as if in takeoff formation.  And with that only 8 people could be spawning at each end of runway at a time(16 total planes per runway).

Offline Ecliptik

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2003, 09:31:07 AM »
It would be fairly easy to simply disallow people from spawning on the end of a runway if someone is there.  You'd get a message like "traffic on the runway" or something, until the little spawn area is clear, perhaps forcing you to spawn in a hanger if you're impatient.

To prevent idiot friendlies from sitting on the end of a runway and blocking traffic forever, you could simply give people about 15 seconds or so to get out of the spawn area before they are forcibly "de-spawned" back to the tower.  The spawn zone would be simply a small square on the end of the runway.  So if you were getting ready to up with a bunch of squaddies or something, you could just spawn, then taxi off to the side and wait until everyone is out.

Then again, you could just leave friendly collisions off and forget about the whole thing.  I'm pretty impartial to either idea.  Maybe do it for ToD and leave collisions off in the MA, since friendly fire will be on, with no killshooter, in ToD.  
You might even go as far as allowing only hangar spawns.

Offline NHawk

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2003, 10:00:48 AM »

Friendly collisions/damage should be turned on everywhere except spawn points and runways. Even then I think it's a stretch, spawn point only would be my choice. But then we have cross traffic problems so I'll give the runway to. :D
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Offline Pongo

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2003, 10:29:25 AM »
I had thought it was a version of the "engine dies on someone close, your engine behaves damaged" bug from befor. But your right. Maybe it was a colission. Nice bent blades on the prop though

Offline DmdNexus

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2003, 12:25:35 PM »
Originally posted by Ecliptik
It would be fairly easy to simply disallow people from spawning on the end of a runway if someone is there.  

.... they are forcibly "de-spawned" back to the tower.  

Sounds like Quake....

would rather have staggered spawn points...

Offline Tyro48

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2003, 12:45:59 PM »
Prop damage but the sound continues on even when the visual shows a prop thats not turning !

Offline lucull

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2003, 04:25:35 PM »
Hitech was in the arena and said, that it is not friendly collision but a bug in the prop that causes the prop damage on spawning when another one is on the spawn place already. He also said, that it is already fixed in next version. :)

Offline lucull

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Spawn damage (beta-6)
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2003, 04:28:04 PM »
Originally posted by Tyro48
Prop damage but the sound continues on even when the visual shows a prop thats not turning !

Hitech confirmed this also.