Author Topic: Wingman Rules / Tactics  (Read 1168 times)

Offline TracerX

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Wingman Rules / Tactics
« on: December 19, 2003, 02:05:19 PM »
One of the most rewarding things to do in AH is fly with a skilled wingman.  Winging with someone is not just flying in the same general area, it includes close communication, target identification, and coordinated attacks and defences.  I have a few rules I like to follow.

1.  Establish close communication.  I like to switch my VOX to just my wingman, and use text to communicate to the rest of the squad.

2.  Use the .Wingman command to easily find your wingie if you get separated.

3.  Don't HO.  The idea is to stay alive, don't gamble your life away on a HO.  The most frustrating thing is to get to altitude, get in position, then your wingman goes down with the first bandit that comes on the scene because he went for the HO shot.  YOU CAN DO THIS WITHOUT A WINGMAN, so don't do it with one!  

4.  Your wingman gets the kills.  Your thought should always be to use the other guy.  Don't furball with a bogie and expect your wingman to be able to support you.  A successfull wingman will let his wingman get the quick and easy shot as he leads the bandit to him.

5.  One target at a time if possible.  Identify the biggest threat, and eliminate it together.  That is why your flying together in the first place isn't it?

6.  Never the same target at the same time.  Attacking the same target doesn't mean to go chasing after the target together.  It should be a tag team effort.  One makes the attack, the other watches for threats and positions himself for the follow up attack.  If the attacker misses the attack, don't turn with the Bandit, break off and save the energy, now it is your wingman's turn.  He should have been watching, and getting in a good position for the follow up attack.  Often it is the second or third attack that nets the bad guy.

7.  Don't follow a bandit if he dives away and there are enemies in the area.  Let them go, your wingman is not superman, and cannot clear the 4 La-7's you picked up as you followed that bandit across his friendly air base.

8.  Try to stay within D 2.0 most of the time, and never get outside of D 4.0 when under attack or while attacking.  You might as well be flying alone then.  Sometimes you can break this rule if your trying to decieve or trick an enemy, but only if you can do it safely and the other wingman is not in danger of becomming engaged.

9.  When in trouble, always break back toward your wingman.  Don't panic and dive away leaving your wingman hopelessly unable to catch up to you.  If your going 450 miles an hour, how is your wingman supposed to help you if your not at least moving toward him?  Drag the bandit under your wingman, then slowly go up.  This should set him up nicely for your wingman.

10.  When it gets real nasty, retreat together, and in the same direction.  It helps to have a fast bird at this point.  I usually call a direction, then watch my wingman.  If he is dragging a couple of badguys, I will dive on them, and make ALL OF THEM at least turn.  I don't care if I kill em or not.  Once you have cleared your wingman, he should immelman back around, and do the same for you, until you can both safely continue on course to safety.

11.  Finally, Land together.  Best part about flying together is to help your winman land more kills than they usually do, and letting him post it in the buffer together with you.

I am sure there are plenty of other suggestions the more experienced fliers could post here.  Let me know what you do when flying with a wingman.

Offline guttboy

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Wingman Rules / Tactics
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2003, 02:15:43 PM »
Good rules to live by tracer!:D

Offline Murdr

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Wingman Rules / Tactics
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2003, 05:21:11 AM »

Offline Ghosth

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Wingman Rules / Tactics
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2003, 10:11:20 AM »
Good post!

Not enough new people wing up with someone experienced enough to help show em the ropes.

Even if you have to wing up with someone as new as you 2 sets of eyes are better than 1. It improves your chances of landing considerably!

Offline Xjazz

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Wingman Rules / Tactics
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2003, 02:14:02 PM »
Good stuff

Check these two links out

Formation Flying by Bozon:

Tips for On-Line Tactical Formation Flying by Andy Bush:

Offline TracerX

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Wingman Rules / Tactics
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2003, 12:03:06 PM »
Wow, great stuff Murdr and Xjazz.  Still reading both sites.  The offset attack that Murdr talks about is what I was trying to suggest.  I have been a victim of this type of attack by some pretty good pairs, and timing is the key.  The second guy has to be quick.  There is a narrow window there where the enemy thinks they have time for a quick shot before the wingman can clear.  The good pairs take that window away.  Suprise!  As the enemy is sent to the tower to contemplate how the wingman got there so quickly.

Offline Sway

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Wingman Rules / Tactics
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2003, 11:19:30 PM »
I don't agree with number 5 on your list tips.  Two guys going for one target when there is many targets around will get you killed.  Split the enemy but be sure to be watching your buddy incase he gets himself into a bind.  If two guys attack one enemy at a time he may die faster, but that makes you very vulnerable to being attacked by another aircraft.:D

Offline Xjazz

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Re: Wingman Rules / Tactics
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2003, 03:19:57 AM »
Sway, read it again

Originally posted by TracerX
5.  One target at a time if possible.  Identify the biggest threat, and eliminate it together.  That is why your flying together in the first place isn't it?

No simple answers for Many vs many fight.  

Sitution changes so rapid that you must keep SA very high. Allways check where are The-Highest-Threat and escape window.

Offline Sway

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Wingman Rules / Tactics
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2003, 09:12:05 AM »
Ahhhh.. I see.  My fourth grade reading level didn't pick up on that.:aok

Offline TracerX

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Wingman Rules / Tactics
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2003, 12:44:40 PM »
NP Sway, things change so rapidly, another rule could have been to be flexible, and react to every situation.  :)