Okay my DSL is finally back and I am busy catching up on the last two weeks of email and postings.
As for this thread guys this all comes down to an issue of people making decisions on each side. You have now both email addresses and forums for each side. Basically you have been given the tools to communicate with each other and plan as much in depth and ask for other C.O.s input as little as much as you wish.
Now as for the original start of the thread:
Getting assigned to bomber duties 2 weeks running is not good, not fun and will not keep me coming back.
(Personal opinion no idea of 101's view)
CMs do not track or indicate to the frame CiCs what squad they should assign to what planes. We supply objectives, special rules/orders and notes on what planes can be used and how many min and max. After that we try to leave things as open as possible so as not to tie the CiCs hands in creating a battle plan. After all we don't want to watch a puppet show but want to give the selected CiC's a chance to be creative and can up with something unexpected.
Now the down side of this is that some CiCs may not simply realize when creating plans that another squad has already done a tour in bombers or that a squad has done two frames in the best planes that they have for the side. This is simple an individual thing .. some squad C.O.s track everything. Some don't and don't take into consideration who flew what in the past frame.
Not much the CMs can do about this. However, as pointed out you can send an email to the selected CiC or post in your sides forum. Every CiC that I have seen usually is rather accomodating when at all possible.
But you guys now have as many tools as we can give you to communicate and plan if you desire too. If you don't .. as Ramzey states .. that is fine. If you do want to put your collective heads together and give the selected CiC some feedback that is good too.
Some CiCs welcome feedback. Others don't.
We had just climbed to 14k when we were spotted by 109's and attacked.
Not a single CAP fighter anywhere to be seen, we never got any further than 25 miles from our take off base.
Sorry it happens. I don't know the battle plan so I don't know what happen to the CAP fighters but there are always the possibility of things like this happening. A squad is late getting into position, gets pulled out of position, a squad C.O. makes a bad call and goes off in the wrong direction exposing another squad, etc.
After given objectives, etc. Squad Ops is about free will and choices. Each CiC faces a number of choices and then each squad C.O. is faced with choices to be made as the battle develops. After all no battle plan remains intact after contact with the enemy. But the event is about dealing with these choices as the battle unfurls. Just like in real life many things hinge on the CiC, the squad C.O. and the individual pilots.
If coordination seems to be during the battle among forces only way to deal with it is communication. Plus, pre battle planning via email and forums is one route. Or some CiCs have been known not fly at all and instead to act as ground control during the whole battle directing and redeploying their forces instead of flying.
I guess what I am trying to say is that somethings CMs can do and some we can not. We don't want to cross the line into a scripted event but allow for everyone to make decisions and choices.
Sometimes people overlook something or fail (i.e. two frames in row in bombers). They don't do it out of spite and are usually open to suggestions and discussion.