Author Topic: buff guns and lag.  (Read 487 times)

Offline Hooligan

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buff guns and lag.
« on: August 17, 2001, 03:13:00 PM »
Just something to think about but lag may have a significant part is increasing the perceived strength of buff guns.  

Due to net lag it will take some time after you have achieved a kill on your FE for that information to be registered on your target's FE.  In a fighter vs. fighter situation, normally your target is not firing back.  But when engaging a buff this is not the likely case.  What this means is that the buff FE does not know that the buff is dead for something like a half second after it has been killed on your FE.  So in many cases, this means the buff gets to shoot back at you long after it is dead on your machine.  This works both ways of course:  an attacking fighter which is killed by a buff gets this grace period also.  

In general in fighter vs. buff engagements where a firing pass is pressed until one party dies, both parties will get to fire longer (perhaps significantly longer) and inflict more damage because of netlag.
