Author Topic: Inside and outside damage doesn't match  (Read 480 times)

Offline Yippee38

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Inside and outside damage doesn't match
« on: December 11, 2003, 07:44:02 PM »
I was flying a G-10 offline in beta 1996.  I collided with one of the P-51 drones.  It took my rudder and horizontal stab off.  When I checked six, the tail looked perfectly intact.  When I switched to F3 (external) view, the pieces were clearly missing.  Damage on the wings looked correct both in the plane and from outside.

I also noticed in an external view that when the G10 is on the ground and I look at the plane from above and behind, the landing gear shows as grey shapes in the wings (even though they are under the wings and should not be visible).  Upon closer inspection, it appears that on all aircraft, the aircraft's own shadow is visible through the plane.

Also, FSAA does not work.  I'm flying at 1024x768 so it should be quite noticeable, but AHII has a serious case of the jaggidies.  ;)

I am also seeing some tearing in ground textures.  It is minor, but I am seeing a line of "holes" in the ground textures.  It is pretty infrequent and doesn't last but a second, but it is there.

Un-overclocked Radeon 9800 Pro with 3.8 Cat drivers BTW.

Offline jEEZY

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Inside and outside damage doesn't match
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2003, 08:59:14 PM »
i have the same problem with ground rendering as well--and I too am with a 9800pro