Thats a good point Jester, let me explain the setup.
First off it was always considered "One" of a possible "Many" versions of Rabaul that could be done. Yes, you could have the F6F included and not have the F4F. You could also have the F6F and not have the F4U-1.
I tried to find a happy medium I thought would work, and post that as the version.
As for the F6F, it was only just coming into service in September 1943, and the F4Fs were still operating from most CVs in late 1943. depends how you narrow down the timeline.
Many F6Fs that served in the Solomons were USMC and USN land based, as the USN F6Fs were being deployed on the new Essex Carriers, and were focusing on the Central Pacific. CV based F6Fs did see combat in the Solomons though, yes.
Playability and variety do play a part as well. I wont use the "B" word