The pain, the longing, the teen angst... I could feel the angst! I could feel it! I'm with ya, bro! I'm right there with ya! The raw emotions, the heartbreak of unrequitted love! The pain, the frustration of young hearts being broken, the conflicted feelings, not knowing what to do, what to say.
OoooOOOh Aicha, wooo-oooo, Aicha! She moooooves me, sheeee mooooooves me....
Those first loves are always the hardest. I guess that's why they call them "crushes".
Poor kid lives in a 10x10 room with a single white-hot light bulb and a comforter he stole from a 7-year-old. No wonder he's singing the blues. He's suffering for his art. Didn't Seal start out that way?
He moves me, he really, really moves me.