Author Topic: Liberals, Conservatives and Southerners  (Read 1606 times)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #45 on: January 02, 2004, 01:29:00 PM »
airhead.... you didn't have a dog with you when you were at my house.  

I have never understood liberals... for all the proclaimed love of humanity... we have one who would rather shoot a human than a dog.... the rest have no compunction about shooting people but continualy vote for people who would disarm them.

How do you liberals justify voting for anti gun politicians and still believe in personal freedom to protect yourself with firearms?   Is it that "other issues" are much more important?    Do you basicaly hold your nose and vote in order to get the someone elected that is more in touch with your other issues?


Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #46 on: January 02, 2004, 01:49:06 PM »
How do you liberals justify voting for anti gun politicians and still believe in personal freedom to protect yourself with firearms? Is it that "other issues" are much more important? Do you basicaly hold your nose and vote in order to get the someone elected that is more in touch with your other issues?

other issues are more important (frankly, I'll still own guns even if they are outlawed)

but things like a safe work place. maybe not a big issue for office workers but a huge issue in my life.

a decent living wage.  what good is the right to own guns if you can't afford them?

quite a few other issues but there are a couple you can start with.

and as far as republicans being for gun rights,  exactly what improvements can we thank the republicans for (in the area of gun-owners rights)?

how's the return on your investment?  they loosen up any regulation for you, larger mag capacities, shorter waiting periods?


did they just take your money and say "thanks for the contribution and the vote, see ya again in 4 years when my hands back out."

come on, wake up, rich republicans have no more interest in seeing the average man armed than rich democrats do. they just give the issue lip service to buy your vote.

Offline Airhead

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« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2004, 02:07:13 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
airhead.... you didn't have a dog with you when you were at my house.  


Good thing I left her at home Lazs or you might have shot her.

I have a ten year old Queensland Heeler, (ask LePaul) she sleeps next to my bed and alerts me to the presence of anyone outside. The only humans she hates are mail carriers, which she attacks whenever she can in spite of being pepper sprayed and the Post Office threatening to discontinue my mail delivery.

She also hates homeless people. I'm trying to teach her to hate  the French, but she doesn't connect the French flag I tease her with with French-speaking people.

Offline Toad

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« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2004, 02:17:27 PM »
Try showing her movies of Postal Carriers speaking French.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Dingbat

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« Reply #49 on: January 02, 2004, 02:45:31 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
"random jolt" button.  

"Clueless Dolt" Button...  

There I fixed it for you! :lol

Offline Airhead

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« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2004, 03:04:26 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
Try showing her movies of Postal Carriers speaking French.

LMAO That might work. Thanks for the suggestion. :D


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« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2004, 03:54:18 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
No, The Tim Taylor Taser isn't diesel powered but it is somewhat more bulky than the regular sissy civilian model. It looks a little strange rolling along behind you on that pull along golf club cart they sell, but you get used to it. An added plus is that any perp that sees a golf cart mounted Taser is usually on his best behavior until you get out of dart range. Of course, with the TTT, dart range suprises most perps.

The super delux TTT model is a rider.... like a riding lawnmower.

A riding Taser! With a fuel injection, V8... Argh! Argh! Argh!

Offline vorticon

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« Reply #52 on: January 02, 2004, 07:28:16 PM »
moron or uninformed, you decide. Maybe it would be better to let your kids die than to let them view the death of their would be killer.

how often does someone who isnt specifically out to kill you your kids or your wife keep coming after being shot???

Say, what movies do you take your kids to and do they watch TV at your house?

movies for kids under 13 usually dont contain much violence...and if a couple lamo 15 year olds will go shoot someone after playing vice city what do you think there going to do if they see there daddy kill someone...especcially if they realise they danger they were in???

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #53 on: January 03, 2004, 10:52:30 AM »
airhead... if dogs weren't suich a pain and I had more of a stay at home lifestyle I would own one..  A little one that was noisy... All I need is for him to wake me up.  I can take it from there.   Dogs are a big responsibility... I had one for a dozen years..  MOST owners shouldn't even have a dog IMO.

captn apathy.   I understand that you feel that only the liberals will give you a decent wage... I disagree but if you think so then you should vote that way but... having guns when they are oulawed makes them pretty useless for 90% of the things I use em for and...  makes you worse off than your attacker if you use em ... look at england for instance..  

now... I don't know where you work but I can't imagine any place that I wouldn't feel safer at knowing that 10% of the people around me had concealed carry permits and were armed.  

as to the republicans... they are scum politicians like the democrats but.... they support the NRA... if the NRA had no support they would be at the mercy of the diane finesteins of the world...  The repuplicans constantly block legeslation that democrats introduce to take away your rights.  The things the NRA do for us (with republican help) are too numerpous to mention... simply read any NRA publication as to the progress of legeslation and whi introduces what bill.

If you must vote democrat tho... at least do me the favor of writing them and telling them what you are telling me... that you agree with most of what they do but are against more anti gun laws.  I doubt it will change their vote tho because their contributors are very anti gun/anti self defense.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #54 on: January 03, 2004, 10:58:19 AM »
and airhead... I would never shoot your doggy.... not unless it gave me one of those "looks".  


Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #55 on: January 03, 2004, 01:31:11 PM »
Lazs2, I think that we probably agree on most issues(except who is likely to do the most good for us).

as far as work safety, that wasn't a gun issue, just that republicans (from the legislation they try and pass) don't seem to be conscerned if a father makes it home to raise his kid.  guns are a non-issue at work, if I wanted someone dead I could do it just as fast and efficient with my tools (and not have to go to court after 'the accident').

The repuplicans constantly block legeslation that democrats introduce to take away your rights.

I may be mistaken but didn't reagen sign the Brady Bill?  can't remember who introduced it, but I think there was a couple of republicans signed on as sponsors.

the republicans 'suport' the nra, just like they 'suport' Christians.  they don't particularly care about the issue but they are aligned with the groups.  I can't see suporting a polotician who screws me over on ever other issue because he says he agrees with me on gun rights and abortion, but then does nothing on these issues.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #56 on: January 03, 2004, 08:01:27 PM »
gs.. no.. I would not feel too endangered in your country but... is is a lot different than ours... you don't share the borders we have or the political system..  I like our syustem but it does create a lot of envy and greed.   I will take the good with the bad.   of our homicides... I can get the risk down to about what you risk simply by avoiding certain areas in our country or.. even certain areas in towns and cities.   Still I like our wealth and system and find the homicide rate acceptable tradeoff.   even at 55 per million... lightning causes me more aprehension most times.  I would not be comfortable not being able to shoot a burglar or armed robber or rapist.

apathy... not all of us have jobs with tools that we can use to defend ouselves... many people are old or infirm... many are women.. that is why concealled carry is so important.   as are strict gun laws against crime with guns... take the guns from the criminals not the citizens.

some republicans are anti gun... the NRA reviews and interviews all politicians running for office several times a year as to their stance on gun control... they rate from A to F grades.   There are VERY few times that you will be better off voting for a democrat than a republican so far as gun rights are concerned.   even then... peer pressure acts against the few courageous democrats when the **** hits the fan.

I would encourage you to join the NRA (as I would anyone) and I would hope that you would write your democratic politicians that you vote for and tell them what you are telling me.   If you simply vote for them and are silent then they will assume that they are on the right track with gun control.    If they come out with a strong pro 2nd stance I would vote for them over a wishy washy republican.


Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2004, 12:07:21 AM »
I would encourage you to join the NRA (as I would anyone) and I would hope that you would write your democratic politicians that you vote for and tell them what you are telling me. If you simply vote for them and are silent then they will assume that they are on the right track with gun control. If they come out with a strong pro 2nd stance I would vote for them over a wishy washy republican.


I do occasionally write them (though not near as much as I should).  as far as giving money to the nra, I used to be a member and they seemed to always be throwing my money at the candidate I wanted to lose.  I find it much more productive to keep my membership fee and just send that much less to the democrats. it all balances back out and I get to keep more cash.

over all what I'd like to see is a 'working mans party'.
for the every day american working man.

most of the people I know agree more with the democrats on economic polocy, are against gay marriage, pro-life, pro gun, for stronger environmental and workplace safety regulation,  for getting the gov't out of medical decisions (let your dr proscribe what he thinks is best for you, and let you by your RX's in whatever country gives you a good price.)

when the dems are in I get more work, have more pay increases, safer workplace,  but then you get all the touchy feely hippy crap in the schools, all the crap about self-esteam and 'how that makes people feel'.  when I was a kid, if you where stupid they made sure you knew it.  that way you didn't get your hopes up to high.

the republicans talk about family values and being pro-life, but then again abortion rates are higher when they are in office, and parents are so bussy trying to make ends meet they never see the kids long enough to even think of family values

how about a party where they suport sending your kids to school for an education and not political indocternation or some sort of social project,  a party that looks out for americans before people from other countrys, one that expects people, that are able, to make their own way while suporting an economy and trade polocys that make this possible.

basicly take the good things that the republicans say they stand for (the ones they rarely do anything about), and mix that with what the democrats used to be before the present group took over.  the dems used to reperesent the working man, but while we where all busy at work the welfare moms, fruits and nuts took over.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2004, 09:43:23 AM »
apathy... i vote for 2nd rights and for school vouchers.. without those nothing else matters..  i want less taxes and less government.   i can't vote for dems at all with this in mind.. i hold my nose and vote republican.  i do write them and tell them what i don't like tho.


Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #59 on: January 04, 2004, 12:27:09 PM »
yep, we would get along well.
if you ever get up this way I can show you a great spot up on the mountain to do some target shooting.

I've been thinking about loading the kids up in the jeep and going up to the mountain, building a bunch of snowmen, and then gunning them down.  :D

maybe film it and make a "senseless gun-violence video"

I gotta do something new for targets, AOL stoped sending me cd's.