I just found that you brought it to the level of being silly thats all.
actually you'd already brought it to that level, he just posted an equally silly coment in the hope that maybe you'd see the parallel.
btw- did you ever do any of those logic questions, like on the SAT's?
you know the ones "fireman is to firetruck as policeman is to....?" from the ability you've shown at missing even the most obvious point, I'd guess not.
the point is-
what exactly is your criteria for a animal to be "one of gods creatures" and deserving of your respect and protection?
is it by size? bigger animals are more important? but a cow is bigger than cougar so I guess that wouldn't work.
is it by where they are on the food chain? so ticks feed off of us do you protect them? should you just leave it be, you went out into his territory, let him finish his meal?
is it the preditor/prey clasification. misquitos are preditors, should they be protected?
you make continued posts about the intelegence of others, yet their seems to be no reasoning or logic at all in your thought patters, there isn't even really a pattern.
if you can't provide any sort of reasoning for your opinion it's usually a fairly good clue that it's wrong.