Author Topic: aircraft definition resource?  (Read 489 times)

Offline Reaper5

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aircraft definition resource?
« on: January 09, 2004, 12:43:07 AM »
Hi.  I'm looking for a website that has definitions of all the different terms I hear used in Aces High, if one exists.  Terms like rollrate, furball, porking, etc.

Any help is appretiated, thanks.

Offline Montezuma

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Re: aircraft definition resource?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2004, 03:54:00 AM »
You should check it out.

^ - up (as in Up at Bol)

* - degrees (heading)

109 - Bf 109 (aka Me109) fighter, usually a G-6 or G-10

109F - Bf 109F-4 "Friedrich" fighter

109G - Bf 109G-2, G-6, or G-10 "Gustav" fighter

12 or 12 o'clock - straight ahead

17 - B-17 "Flying Fortress" heavy bomber.

190 - Fw 190 "Butcher Bird" fighter

190A4 - Fw 190A-4

190D - Fw 190D-9

202 - Macchi C.202. fighter

205 - Macchi C.205. fighter

26 - B-26 "Marauder" medium bomber

3 o'clock or 3 - on the right

38 - P-38L "Lightning" fighter

47 - P-47 "Thunderbolt" fighter or C-47 "Dakota" transport

51 - P-51 "Mustang" fighter

6 o'clock or 6 - rear

666 - Danger on you 6 o'clock

88 - JU-88 medium bomber

9 o'clock or 9 - on the left

A4 - Fw 190A-4

A8 - Fw 190A-8

aa - anti-aircraft fire

aaa - anti-aircraft artillery

a/c - aircraft

ack - fixed anti-aircraft emplacement

affirm - yes

afk - away from keyboard

afu - All F...ed Up

alt - altitude

a/p - auto-pilot

auger - crash

auto - auto-pilot

away - bombs or troops have been dropped. "Troops away!"

bail - bail out of plane

bak - back at keyboard

bandit - enemy aircraft

bcnu - be seeing you!

bcn y'all - be seeing you all!

BDA - Battle Damage Assesment

- Big Grin

bh - bomber hangar

bingo - out of something (as in Bingo ammo)

bish - Bishops. One of the three countries in Aces High

bof - big ol' frown

bogie - an unknown aircraft in official Air Force speak, but usually means an enemy aircraft in the arena

book - depart the vicinity

brb - be right back

btw - by the way

buff - bomber

bus - C-47

bzy - busy

cap - Combat Air Patrol.  Usually means you are covering a field or enemy over field

cc - confirmed, affirmative, yes

check6 - look behind you

chog - F4U-1C. Corsair equipped with 4 x 20mm Hispano cannons

cf - Cluster F...

con - icon.  Type and range of aircraft displayed  in the cockpit view .  "con a B-17"

con range - within range to see an object's icon. In Aces High, 6k for planes, 3 for ground vehicles.

contact - pilot has visual contact

cv - aircraft carrier

cya - see you; as in see you later

d9 - Fw 190D-9

dar - Radar.  Also used to say you have something on radar.  "dar a B-17"

ded - dead

Dhog - F4U-1D Corsair

discoed - Disconnected from game

ditch - land somewhere other than an airfield

dogfight - air-to-air fighter engagement

doors open - bomb-bay doors opened

dora - Fw 190D-9

dorka - Fw 190D-9

draggin(g) - leading the enemy (usually towards friendlies)

drunks - paratroopers

dry - no ordnance onboard

DT - drop tank

dump - disconnected from system

dweeb - new pilot

dweebfire - Spitfire

e - energy or east

egg - bomb

enema - enemy

f4 - F4U Corsair

f4f - F4F Wildcat

f6 - F6F Hellcat

F8 - Fw 190F-8 fighter/bomber

feet dry - crossing the shoreline from the water side (now over land)

feet wet - crossing the shoreline from the land side (now over water)

fh - fighter hangar

flak - anti-aircraft fire or Flak Panzer (Ostwind)

flak panzie - Flak Panzer (Ostwind

form - join a formation

fort - B-17 (flying fortress)

fp - Flak Panzer (Ostwind)

fpm - Feet Per Minute

fr - Frame Rate

fubar - f...ed up beyond all recognition

furball - multi-ship dogfight

fw - Fw 190. Often followed by model; FwA4, FwD9, etc

- grin

ga - Go Ahead (as in permission to speak)

glider - engine out

goon - C-47

gooney - C-47

hail - hello

hawg - F4U

hdg - heading

heavy - carrying bombs/rockets

Hellcat - F6F Hellcat

Hellkitty - F6F Hellcat

hog - F4U

hold - loiter at location

hvy - carrying bombs/rockets

ias - Indicated Airspeed

ib - inbound

in - notice that pilot is engaging

in scope - bombing target visible in bomb-site

imho - in my humble opinion

imnsho - in my not so humble opinion

j/k - just kidding

jabo - fighter/bomber; can refer to the plane or the mission.

join - join a formation

jug - P-47

k - thousand (also used in place of okay)

kilt - killed, died

kite - A6M Zero

knit - Knights. One of the three countries in Aces High

la5 - La-5

la7 - La-7

lanc - Avro "Lancaster" heavy bomber

lining up - bomber readying for bomb run

lite - no bombs

lmao - laughing my bellybutton off

loc - location (usually a request)

log - exit game

lol - laughing out loud

m3 - M-3 halftrack capable of carrying troops or supplies

m8 - mate (as in friend) or M-8 "Greyhound" armored car

m16 - M-16 Machine Gun Carrier. M-3 with quad .50 cal machine guns for anti-aircraft work

milkrun - unchallenged bomb run

mossie or mossy - DeHavilland Mosquito

n - north

neg - no, negative

nik or niki - N1K2-J

np - no problem

on scope - bombing target visible in bomb-site

ostie - Ostwind. Panzer Mk IV chasis with 37mm flak gun

otw - on the way

out - notice that pilot is disengaging

ping - a non-fatal bullet/cannon strike

pond - large body of water

pony - P-51

poof - disconnecting

pork - make base un-usable

porker - someone who porks a base for no reason.

prep - prepare field for capture

rgr - roger, yes

roc - Rate Of Climb

rofl - Rolling On Floor Laughing

roflmao - ROFL my bellybutton off

rtb - return to base

run - depart the area at high speed

runstang - P-51

s - south

- Salute

sa - situational awareness

scramble - take off and engage enemy from capped field

smokin(g) - damaged and trailing smoke

sortie - a flight by a plane is a sortie. Two planes flying together equals 2 sorties.

spit - Spitfire

spit5 - Spitfire Mk V

spit9 - Spitfire Mk IX

sprayer - a pilot who expends ammo liberally

stang - P-51

status - often refers to loc, alt, hdg

stick - bombs dropped at one time

tanx - thanks

thanx - thanks

thnx - thanks

tune - tune radio.  tune 117 means change channel to 117

twr - tower

ty - thank you

up - taking off (as in "up A51")

ur - you are or your

vh - vehicle hangar

vis - visual contact

vox - voice

vulch - to shoot a plane as it tries to take off.  

w - west

WEP - Wartime Emergency Power

wepping - using WEP

zeke - Zero

The following are military "pro-words".  These are used to keep military radio traffic short.  They are also useful for keeping your on-line vox transmissions short.

Roger - I understand the last transmission

Wilco - I understand the last transmission and Will Comply with the instructions

Say Again - Say the last transmission over

Say Again All After... - Say the last transmission after the word ...

Over -  I am through speaking

Out - Conversation Over

Wait - stand by

Offline XtrmeJ

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aircraft definition resource?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2004, 05:14:00 AM »
well.....ummm... what he said
*kicks can*

Offline DYGCaps

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aircraft definition resource?
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2004, 07:37:30 AM »
nice post montezuma :aok

Offline Reaper5

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aircraft definition resource?
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2004, 08:20:42 AM »
Thank you very much, just what I was looking for. :aok

Offline jodgi

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aircraft definition resource?
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2004, 03:57:19 AM »
Hey, Reaper...

Your sig made me smile...

If you want respect: do some time in the b model.

I even find i do better in the b. Maybe because cons first go after the shiny d's.