Author Topic: HiTech, Film Utilities Ideas  (Read 468 times)

Offline Mini D

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HiTech, Film Utilities Ideas
« on: September 30, 2003, 07:02:15 PM »
  • Vox Stripper: A utility that strips all vox coms out of a .ahf file and saves it as another .ahf file
  • log generator: A utility that would generate a table with pilot and airplane type as they left/entered the film and also log any kills, the pilots involved and their aircraft.
I don't have any idea how hard this is to do, but I'd really like a way to trim down the file sizes.

The log generator is something I'd like to have so I could generate an AH Film database program.  It would be a way for a pilot to track what film has who flying what and shooting down whom.

I know you don't have much to do these days, so I'm just sitting around dreaming up more work for you.


Offline Siaf__csf

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HiTech, Film Utilities Ideas
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2003, 03:48:34 AM »
What I'd like to see in any online game is an option to log the made hits. Countless times Ive wanted to know what blew me out of the sky / ground / water and there's no way to know the real amount of hits or placement of hits.

Same thing with enemies, sometimes you score a huge amount of (what seem to be hits) with no effect to the opponent. If you'd be able to verify the shots then you can raise valid questions as to why the enemy doesn't go down. Cheat detection is one applicable usage.

Offline Mini D

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HiTech, Film Utilities Ideas
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2004, 10:59:47 AM »
Just gonna punt this one up.

P.S., no program on my computer is as likely to lock it up as the AH film viewer.


Offline ALF

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HiTech, Film Utilities Ideas
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2004, 09:31:53 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D

P.S., no program on my computer is as likely to lock it up as the AH film viewer.

Spoken like someone who has never installed Pinnacle 7 or 8 :rofl