Originally posted by Saurdaukar
Tisk, tisk... partisan blindness is curable by very plentiful medication - in most states its called education.
and those of you that only see partisan here could use a dose of education.
This is not Partisan bias.
I couldn't care less about Democrats, Republicans, libs or conserves.
Bush's Administration stove piped the "intelligence" to suit their point view - rather than gathering the facts and then analyzing the facts and letting the facts speak for them selves.
This is common knowledge among the intel community. Whispered in hushed voices in the hall ways.
Bush took an opinion and then tried to discover facts to support that point of view.
This story actually broke yesterday. I've known about it for a few months now - while it was being written.
More will follow in the up coming weeks.
Evidence for you blind and uneducated people... "official" government documents, transcripts of interviews with intel analysists. A time line of mistakes... clearly drawn... miscalulations and errors in judgement.
The Congressional Intelligence Committee also has a report coming out soon with their findings based upon their investigation into this matter and intel around 9/11.
This is not partisan... this is not some op-ed.
There are honest people trying to get to the truth of what did the US gov know, when did it know it... and why the intelligence system broke down.
These reviews and scrutinities are part of the governments quality control processes so that the next time there is a national security crisis... an accurate accessment of the situation can be made.