Author Topic: Balancing numbers with perks.  (Read 2766 times)

Offline hitech

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Balancing numbers with perks.
« Reply #75 on: January 16, 2004, 10:18:01 AM »
rabbidrabbit: It's realy quite simple, you treat me with simple respect as you should everone, ill do the same. You go off on totaly basilis rant's on numerous occasion ,start a crusade about whatever,you will be ignored and probably bellitled by me.

The best example I can think of latly is frank3 in the bug forums. He made many post of problems with AHII, notice he just stated the problem, no implied crap in his post. No critisim, no whinning, No demanding that this be fixed now, no inferance that AHII is crap because of bugs.

Post in this maner and ill bend over backwards to fix things.

Lets examin a few recent urchin post.

and admit that GVs are a sideshow arcade game addon to Aces High.... until then I'm going to keep *****ing about the unrealistic penetration of the .50 and the Hispano vis a vis the Panzer IV. I'm not going to bother posting links or info... its all there, its been shown to be incorrect, it has been incorrect for at least 3 years, it is never going to be fixed.. nor probably looked at. Thats it, whines over.

No Hitech.. its a whine about the redundant perk system. I suppose that since you saw "La7" in there, that makes it an La7 whine.

Honestly, it doesn't matter, since I think you stopped looking at feedback and saying "Gee, ya know... that makes sense" about 3 years ago.

Me, picked on? No. I made a point, HT made a "witty" one-liner without addressing the point. Perhaps if your nose wasn't jammed so far up his bellybutton you can smell what he is about to eat, you'd see that. I know, its a lot to asked out of a moron like you... but lets at least try to maintain some sort of individuality.

Expect I'll probably get the boot Either off BBS or off the game entirely. If I do, I'll see y'all around. Emails if you'd like to stay in touch.

Basically for Aces High... ACM = HO (head-on... similar to medieval jousting). Find the closest bad guy, fly straight at him, and once you get inside of 1500 yards (the little numbers will say d1.6) hold the trigger down until you fly through the other plane. Assuming you survive this,

The ocaisonial going off the deap end I can understand. But when some one like urchin begins almost a crusade they tend to be demoted to "customer who im debating if they are worth keeping around" from "valued customer".

So I in no way have contempt for customers. But is a simple judgment call on my part, that if a customer (In my view ) is being disruptive I must deal with the situation, because it does effect my buissness, and the reality is, it's no longer about their point but wrather there behavior and how that behavior is detrimental to AH.

So now rabbidrabbit.
1. Do you belive urchins behavior is acceptable?
2. How do you belive this stuff should be handled?


Offline Toad

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Balancing numbers with perks.
« Reply #76 on: January 16, 2004, 11:31:17 AM »
There are folks that will never be happy. There are folks that will complain no matter how hard you try to please them, no matter how hard you work to improve the game.

I'm not pointing a finger at ANYONE here, just stating a simple truth.

In these cases, I think a business IS better off without that customer. If they're that unhappy ALL the time, they should move on and try something else.

Analogy: You own a diner and try to make a good cup of coffee. Everyday, the same guy comes in and loudly complains about how crappy your coffee is. You try other brands of coffee, you "brew fresh" the moment he walks in the door... nothing changes. He's still unhappy.

Better he just find another coffee shop, eh?

World's a big place, lots of stuff in it. Why force yourself to be unhappy?

Unless the old "We're not happy until you're not happy!" is the object of the exercise.

Lord knows HT and I don't agree about a lot of things in AH. > but we usually agree to disagree and I don't EVER remember having impolite words flow either way.

In short, there's constructive criticism and there's... b  ching.

If ya just wanna b  ch, you might as well move on.

I guarantee ya, I'd throw ya out of my coffee shop after a bit.  ;)
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline g00b

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All brown nosing aside...
« Reply #77 on: January 16, 2004, 06:43:48 PM »
I cheer everytime HiTech chews someone out. I have not yet, to date, seen it happen to anyone that didn't deserve it.

Look at the quotes from Urchin, tell me what you would do in HiTech's place?

In this particular instance I agree exactly with HiTech's statement (if not his spelling) "Finaly for sake of argument lets say it dosn't have any effect. Exactly why would you even think of complaining about it since it dosn't have any effect?"

How are you being negatively impacted by this Urchin?

What would you propose instead?

Personally I think the perk system is great, although I would make it even more extreme to force more variety, but I'm sure the whines would increase exponentially :)

I hereby propose that all whine's are in the "when you, I feel" format.

i.e. When you perk planes, I feel sad(or angry or confused).

Or something....