I have allways found this issue about stalls in aces high being easyly recovered by pressing Shift X to counter the stall. I dont know if this was programed into aces high to recover from a stall or not. But by hiting shift X well your in a stall should not help recover the stall instead it should actulay make it worse.
What happens right now, in aces high 1 and 2, is that it macro controles the trim settings. This makes minor corrections that a normal pilot cannot do with a stick. Also with shift X it will swing from on side of trim to the other side within a instance. This also helps BnZ climers because they get the most out of there vertical clime by hiting shift X and watching the trim do all the work for them.
I am wondering if this would be looked into with aces high 2. The first couple of version, had the right idea. By hiting shift X well in a stall it didnt do anything to counter it. Right now you can get a 190D9 in aces high II stall it about 5K feet, un-controlable stall. Hit Shift X and it will recover.