Lessons learned in a P51D is to NEVER turn fite a Spit14 even though the turn rate may be the same as this doesn't mean u turn tighter.
Even though the 51 is turning faster it is also travelling faster meaning it has a larger turn radius which is bad in a turning fite
Dropping(chopping) throttle to out turn a spit14 is the worst thing to do as ur (P51) turn rate suffers greatly even though u
dropped a cple of clicks of flaps.
Best way to fight in a P51 is to BnZ, unless u r WldThing (He flies
the 51 like a spit

) Yes it's boring, but at least u'll stay alive., or
fly w/a wingman, lure the nme away, weave back & forth so they
will think they are going to catch up & have ur wingman drop down on them from above. Good combo P51 w/P38 as wingman.
Advice, suggestions, comments graciously accepted, thx.