Author Topic: What is the price tag of reducing terrorism?  (Read 729 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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What is the price tag of reducing terrorism?
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2004, 09:22:38 AM »
Originally posted by Virage
I guess iraq fell into the memory hole.

Iraq is occupied by foreign forces. Its not considered terrorism.  And before you say "What about Palestine? They're 'occupied'?" read the first paragraph on the first chart.

Offline Gixer

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What is the price tag of reducing terrorism?
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2004, 03:53:43 PM »

And that's just for Iraq.


Offline crowMAW

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What is the price tag of reducing terrorism?
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2004, 08:01:18 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Iraq is occupied by foreign forces. Its not considered terrorism.  And before you say "What about Palestine? They're 'occupied'?" read the first paragraph on the first chart.

"In past years, serious violence by Palestinians against other Palestinians in the occupied territiories was included in the database of worldwide international terrorist incidents because Palestinians are considered stateless people."

The data excluded pertains to Palestinian on Palestinian violence.  It does not exclude Palestinian on Isreali violence in the "occupied territories".

However, the way the Administration will weasel out of calling the guerrilla action in Iraq "terrorism" is by saying that it is a combat zone with active hostilities.  That allows them to say that any armed or on duty soldier is fair game.

Offline crowMAW

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What is the price tag of reducing terrorism?
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2004, 08:31:32 PM »
Originally posted by Gixer

There were 167,040,999 tax filers in '02 (that's every entity, not just individuals and corporations).  That means today each of us taxpayers owes $580.69!

So because all those Reps could not spend my tax dollars fast enough I'm going to eventually have to give my tax break BACK and then interest!  If that is what Repugnatcans call tax relief...I don't want it.  Jesus, where is Barry Goldwater when you need him...I want a SMALLER government and LESS spending and NO deficit.  

Personally, I don't feel any safer with Iraq being free (neither do a lot of Americans survey ).  I really did not give a crap about their freedom anyway.  But I'm gonna have to pay $580 (for this year) to give someone I don't care about their freedom...freedom they did not care enough about to pay for themselves. Maybe the rest of you bleeding hearts give a quarter a day to Sally Struthers so little Juan can have a bowl of cold oatmeal, but not me.  I guess I am just an old time conservative...not many of us left with the wave of neo-cons.

Any you Bush-boys wanna pick up my portion?  I'll send you my paypal address so I can bill you this year...and the next...and the next...and the next...
« Last Edit: January 21, 2004, 08:37:00 PM by crowMAW »

Offline BGBMAW

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What is the price tag of reducing terrorism?
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2004, 09:12:15 PM »

crow i see a strange character in u..which few people are the same...

1) u seem to really feel repulsed by our President Bush
2) You seem to hate the people who hate bush..the wackos left wing bleeding heart liberals

dont find that one very often

btw also..lmfao.."sally Struthers" gusy see that South Park episode with Cartman in the Africa w/ fatasStruthers? frikn funnny


Offline Masherbrum

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What is the price tag of reducing terrorism?
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2004, 07:07:08 AM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM
Yes they were! And... the hijackers were from Iraq, damnit!

The hijackers were Saudi nationals


The "WAr on Terrorism" is as effective as the "War on Drugs"
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Offline crowMAW

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What is the price tag of reducing terrorism?
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2004, 07:21:53 AM »
Originally posted by BGBMAW


Youbetcha...I'm not into nation building...and funny Bush claimed he wasn't either.

Originally posted by BGBMAW
crow i see a strange character in u..which few people are the same...

1) u seem to really feel repulsed by our President Bush
2) You seem to hate the people who hate bush..the wackos left wing bleeding heart liberals

dont find that one very often

Me, a few million other libertarians and Pat Buchanan (I'm surprised that the WorldNet Daily hasn't booted him for all the Bush bashing he does).  I used to be Republican...I voted for Reagan twice and Bush Sr twice...I didn't like Dole so I threw my vote away on Perot just so I would not have to vote for Clinton.  

But from the moment I saw Karl Rove running Shrub's campaign tactics and the alliance with the Moral Minority I knew that the party no longer represented conservatives like me. (Plus, I just could not vote for a man who is dumber than me)

The neo-republicans are not about fiscal responsibility.  They are like undisciplined children of rich parents who live beyond their means by using credit and then declare bankruptcy when it is inconvenient to pay the bills.

Offline Virage

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What is the price tag of reducing terrorism?
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2004, 01:03:53 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Iraq is occupied by foreign forces. Its not considered terrorism...  

